Are air pots any better than just a pot with a bunch of holes in the sides?

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
I've had mine circa 12 years and still like new, I don't believe you could wear one out/break it, they're made from sturdy af plastic (even the copies) and have no wear on them they just sit there.

There's originals and copies available which look the same at 1st glance but under closer scrutiny the number of blank rows varies and the holes size top to bottom varies which affects how much can wash out, some just have one hole size the quality ones start smaller and get bigger the lower they go, they're also heavier gauge plastic.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any recommendations for/against drilling holes in pots that already have large plants in them? I know I would be risking damaging roots, but I have a bad aeration and drainage issue. Should I or shouldn't I drill holes in my pot with an extant plant in it?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any recommendations for/against drilling holes in pots that already have large plants in them? I know I would be risking damaging roots, but I have a bad aeration and drainage issue. Should I or shouldn't I drill holes in my pot with an extant plant in it?
go for it...use a forstner bit and really open it up...that's what i use, you wont hurt the plant unless you hit it in it's frontal lobe

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
I love my plastic air pots.
-elevates pot off of surface it's on preventing the plant from taking up runoff water
-they stack together for storage very nicely
- follow the directions. The top side usually has the first few without holes and they want the bottom peice pointed a certain direction . Just follow instructions.
-when filling with your media I recommend doing it semi moist and packing the media out into the pot while filling up. If you just dump the soil in alot of the cones won't be filled up. I use coco so I can press very hard when packing but soils may be different
-if drying out too fast be aware of fans hitting the sides of the pots thus drying them out. you can shield them with something. I have my fans above the pots but sometimes I use floraflex matrix capillary pads with the matrix rings which really help the water disperse correctly. I use the pads in the winter when it's dry and don't use them in the summer cause it's humid here.
Good luck!
Can’t stress this enough about potting up.

It’s imperative that you pot your in layers. I use my finger tips just round the edges to fill up the cones.

If you mess up the potting water will fly everywhere and you’ll be pulling your hair out.

Ive seen someone use pantyhose around the pots to stop perlite etc coming out during the first few waterings.

Also when watering time comes do it in stages. A little to moisten the top. Go make the feed. 10 mins later the medium will accept water much better.

Brcomes too dry? Grab a bbq skewer and start stabbing all the way down to the bottom. This helps the water reach all the way down.

Last but not least I just got some mulch mats for the top. Should help it from going bone dry.

Green Refuge

Well-Known Member
I used them and didn't like them. The water comes out the sides and they dry too fast. If you get a gnats problem with those pots it's hard to control.


Well-Known Member
You just need to water a bit more slowly with these, pour some through each pot first, then wait a few minutes before you continue. Some yucca extract works wonders too. Anyone who has problems watering these pots is doing the EXACT same thing in regular pots, they just don't know it.


Well-Known Member
I have em' but haven't used the big ones yet since I'm currently testing grassroots bags currently. I have used the smaller .3L ones for clones and seedlings though. Being able to peel the pot off, sprinkle mycos in the divots, and easily / quickly pot up makes it completely worth it. I feel there is less stress during transplant since you don't hear roots ripping off the sides when trying to peel it off like standard fabric pots.