are 4100k are ok to veg my plants


Active Member
are my 100 watts 4100k are ok to veg my plant????
the kestion is 4100k is ok? or i need more like 6500k??


Active Member
ok and if i can only use 6x100watts 4100k for veg would it grow? and is it good to put 2cfls 2700k in there while the veg process?


Well-Known Member
stay away from the red spectrum whike in veg....too much red and you end up forcing it into bloom...not a bad thing if you want short plants with a low yield. i'd say stick to the 6500K lights for veg...and move to the 2700k at bloom


New Member
i'v had good turn outs with the 4100 kelvin bulbs. i use 12 x 100 watt cfl for veg and then i add 8 2700k 100 watt for flowering for a total of 20 100 watt cfls for flowering. little late to the post but someone else might find this usefull. and this is for 5or 6 plants

i do agree that 6500k would be better them change to 2700k but that is a lot of money on cfls.


New Member
Not like true lol its based on time bro. Red is in sunlik3nfull spec... stay around 5000 to 6500 for veg 2700 to 300 and drop in some infrared and u v... not just RED


Well-Known Member
are my 100 watts 4100k are ok to veg my plant????
the kestion is 4100k is ok? or i need more like 6500k??
4100K is fine for veg. Many people just use HPS from start to finish @ 2700K. The old saying was 6400K for veg MH and 2700K for bloom with HPS. Doesn't really matter that much as long as the plant got adequate lighting (PAR).

Most LEDs are 3000-3500K and people use those as well from start to finish successfully.


Well-Known Member
I suck at growing plants. However, I know from reading books and my own experience that HPS will influence a plant to stretch a lot if you veg with it.


Well-Known Member
I suck at growing plants. However, I know from reading books and my own experience that HPS will influence a plant to stretch a lot if you veg with it.
If you have the light too far away. I've vegged under HPS and I've never had plants stretch a lot. They may stretch slightly more but not enough to make any difference as long as you provide adequate light. What books are you reading? If they're cannabis specific you might as well toss them in the trash as many are full of cannabis broscience and not facts.


Well-Known Member
It is a widely known fact that red light makes cannabis stretch in veg. I think every book I've read on cannabis at least mentions this.


Well-Known Member
It is a widely known fact that red light makes cannabis stretch in veg. I think every book I've read on cannabis at least mentions this.
It might cause more stretching but that can easily be minimized by having enough light. I've vegged under MH and HPS. The HPS might stretch slightly more but if you have enough light it's really not much of an issue. I think light intensity is more of a factor with stretching than spectrum. You're better off worrying about light intensity than spectrum.

As to the OP's question, 4100K will work just fine for veg as long as they have enough watts. It doesn't matter what the spectrum is. Not enough light of any spectrum will cause plants to stretch. Given enough light it really doesn't matter what spectrum you use.

For the record, I currently veg under 6500K HO T5's. Prior to that I was using 3500K bulbs. I've also used a mix of 3500K and 6500K bulbs. The 6500K definitely produce plants with tighter nodes but the 3500K's are not that much different from my experience.

This plant was 14" and had 7 equally offset nodes before it started growing offset nodes and there were 3 of those so 10 nodes for an average of 1.4" between nodes. I've had the same growth under the 3500K bulbs. The amount of stretch difference between the 6500K and 3500K was less than 2".
