Archive Seed Bank

Snacks is right. Getting pretty tired of seeing such WEIRDLY high prices for only certain shit, it's kind of annoying. It's hype driven, that's what kinda irritates me. If Corn Cob or Grimace is like 75-100, why are other catalog items so stupidly overpriced? Because they're popular? Lame.

Just wait until a big name on IG takes some nice shopped photos of grimace it’ll sell out on archive and you’ll see it on seedbanks and strainly for 250+
Lololol. Hype is true in the new world but so is the old way of hearing about an amazing taste and tasting it.

Hype exists and so does the opposite!

Has anyone here that says it's not worth that much actually tasted it?

I get some people don't have a lot of money and can't afford this expenditure but some can. Though I would not be able to buy a $1000 pack today so I understand the reality.
Are the seed packs sitting on the site and not selling at $300? That would be the only way to determine if they are overpriced or not.
I don’t think my complaint was that they were overpriced, just that they had the gall to triple the price on something because it ended up being more popular than they initially expected. Instead of doing larger seed runs so everyone could enjoy it they went the opposite direction and are building the hype by upping the price and still doing smaller runs. I just think it’s a shitty big business move, to each their own, I’m just talking shit in the internet - I have no interest in growing rainbow belts, it just doesn’t rub me the right way.
I don’t think my complaint was that they were overpriced, just that they had the gall to triple the price on something because it ended up being more popular than they initially expected. Instead of doing larger seed runs so everyone could enjoy it they went the opposite direction and are building the hype by upping the price and still doing smaller runs. I just think it’s a shitty big business move, to each their own, I’m just talking shit in the internet - I have no interest in growing rainbow belts, it just doesn’t rub me the right way.

the original release was 6 fems and the second release was a worked line of m/f seeds. Not even an accurate comparison there bud.
the original release was 6 fems and the second release was a worked line of m/f seeds. Not even an accurate comparison there bud.
From Archive -

We took a Rainbow Belts male (from the m/f line we made side by side with the fems) and hit it to the selected Rainbow Belts #20 cutting.

doesn’t seem like they did a hell a lot of working the line….
From Archive -

We took a Rainbow Belts male (from the m/f line we made side by side with the fems) and hit it to the selected Rainbow Belts #20 cutting.

doesn’t seem like they did a hell a lot of working the line….
Well, there's a minimum of 21 plants involved in just this description. Dunno about you, but that's a lot more work than I'd do as a home grower to create my own seed stock.
Lol, well they’re saying they created both lines at the same time so why is one 3 times the price? Why aren’t they releasing more of the cheaper/fems line? Sounds like someone else isn’t using much of their brain….
Anyone have any personal experience with “Louis Faced”? Will be growing a pack soon and any info would be greatly appreciated :)
I have the louie cut and it’s a super floppy/viney og. I have the ghost and Tahoe too and the Louie has the weakest branches and is also a huge bastard to clone compared to the other two. Probably the tastiest one though, I like the Tahoe a lot and it yields better but the Louie is like the definition of og flavor, imo
I have the louie cut and it’s a super floppy/viney og. I have the ghost and Tahoe too and the Louie has the weakest branches and is also a huge bastard to clone compared to the other two. Probably the tastiest one though, I like the Tahoe a lot and it yields better but the Louie is like the definition of og flavor, imo
Great info Sir! Thank you!!
I'm running a Louis s1 & like it a lot, real flavorful OG with good potency. With faceoff should be stupid good for real! I wanted to get a pack myself to hit to my clone. My Louis stretched like a mfer, not sure Faceoff would tame it. I'd advise to have enough head space for them to grow, scrog or flower early. Keep us updated on that one!
That Louie from cannaventure?