whilst I would totally agree that a recessive genetive traits and their phenotypic expression are a thing, you are jumping terms very quickly. unless the ET component (marty/tks words not mine) would have chem in it, possible, the reversed hindu that proliferated the TK does not have skunk in it.
its not to be completely ruled out, but if you start mentioning landraces, those might be a little far removed from lines such as the dogbud or the chem (probably predates TK, therefore the ogers and surely predates the sour) and therefore a little too far off the timeline to be taken into consideration as possible parentage.
whats striking is that a possible common denominator for the lines we are deliberating (in terms of the urkle in PP and slurricane, the hindu traits in OG and OGKB) definitely seems to connect with the notion of classic/late modern varietals out of central asia/pakistan/hindu kush/afghanistan. not sure id rule out a skunk in those and i might have to concur, (its in the white, same crew who did TK), but this raises two further questions: a) are we referring to just an afghan with skunk terps/traits or sams skunk1? b) what traits of skunk are distinctively identifiable as opposed to a PCK or other paki lines, which if you believe MaddF. definitely make up the urkle. (c), if you believe his words too, there is also a skunk in the old urkle.
hope you have a blessed day as well
best regards bigiron