

Well-Known Member
yep, was one hell of a bitch to get it out the store. Last time I ever spend anywhere close to that much on a god damn fish.


Well-Known Member
good way to burn 1500 bucks, if you have glass canopy and a fish that can jump right through it.
no kidding, some of those aros are just to expensive to trust to a glass top, sandwiched ply with mesh inbetweeen for reenforcement, especially when they start reaching 30" upwards, read mulitple accounts of them removing lids with 40lb bricks sitting on them


Well-Known Member
yikes! not as bad as waking up with your octopus in your bed, trying to cuddle.

My RD arowana was about 18" long when he took his last leap. Never got to see him three feet long and monsterous like I intended, but it was probably for the better. Fishtanks can take over your life!


Well-Known Member
dude i know how you feel, fish tanks did take over my life for a lil over a year, i went from a free 33g tank that i got... to a 5g, 2x10g, 20g, 33g, 2x55g, 90g and my pride n joy the 220g
it probably would of kept getting worse if i didnt get my med license and start dropping every last cent on my grow room

ive now cut back to only a single 10g, 33g, 90g and 220g


Well-Known Member
heres my 75 reef been setup for around 4 months. My reef is my second love my first being GROWING CANNABIS!!

View attachment 1831875
Why not combine the two? Lol

An octopus trying to cuddle you is scary, but not as scary as keeping a box jellyfish like the guy in Seven Pounds. The little jellyfish are kind of sweet though

And wow, your dogs are cute, especially the one on the right- what kind of pit type is he/she?


Well-Known Member
what's that a picture of kuroi? that electric jelly fish thing.... i want one.

tried looking for it. help please


Well-Known Member
it never lets me rep you....then i forget to.

thanks dude!
are you going to get da wittle jellyfishes?

fuck those things, little bastards stung my ass in the gulf a while back, they aren't small like that either... softball sized fuckers.


Well-Known Member
i went to a nursery around here on the weekend and saw a bunch of big ugly coy fish in the pond.

those are some mutated looking fucking fish.


Well-Known Member
These ones were huge and they were monster looking. Probably inbred or something.

I like normal looking ones, those ones in the picture look ok with me


Well-Known Member
they are super hardy fish, and wishstand water conditions that nothing else short of luck would survive in. They love food(just like all animals and fish), and often break the surface for attention. I have one about two feet and a few catching up to him in a 500 gallon hottub that I chained to my explorer, and yanked out of the backyard. Got really drunk and dug a hole in my front yard, reworked the pumps/jets/plumbing, built the filter area, and viola. Fully planted now with lili pads/flowers, day lillies, yukas, covers the angled edges, shes flush in the ground and the fish love it!