Aquarium Airators

Lol I'm not a new grower bud, and niether was the guy that came up with the "air basket" technique. Don't bother down playing the way others decide to try things just because you like how you grow.

Whether you would ever admit it or not is beside the point, this process has benefit for very little cost.

Also I've been there and done that, so there is no need for you to wait. If you don't have anything useful to add then just move on man. There are lots of different ways to grow really well. There is no point in going around shitting on other peoples grows and ideas. Especially in a case like this when your just talking out of your ass. If you can't understand the basic benefit of wet/dry cycles you need to do more growing and more research.
Possibly you've noticed he's never posted even one pic of any grow, LOL
I have two airators I can put in the grow, each has two air lines running off them, Is that too much? I have seed topped and planted, but hasn't come up yet, it's only one in the medium now.
I had another one not open up, so I got another replacement in damp paper towel now. I'm going to try the airators on my new seed when it pops, ain't got nothing to lose ...I hope!

I never added it on mine until they were transplanted into the final flowering pots. You won't want to have to transplant once you have the air pump feeding the roots.

Here is a link with lots of instructions and pointers from Natmoon on how to make it work best.
Sadly the pictures are gone because its 10 years old at this point :(.
I never added it on mine until they were transplanted into the final flowering pots. You won't want to have to transplant once you have the air pump feeding the roots.

Here is a link with lots of instructions and pointers from Natmoon on how to make it work best.
Sadly the pictures are gone because its 10 years old at this point :(.
The pictures were lost when we went from VBulletin to XenForo. It is really sad, we lost some amazing work. LOL yet people think I'm kidding when I say this site is run by the NSA.
Possibly you've noticed he's never posted even one pic of any grow, LOL

I know, and I try to be nice for whatever reason. I don't put up with BS either though.

The pictures were lost when we went from VBulletin to XenForo. It is really sad, we lost some amazing work.

Yeah most of these newer members really don't know the kind of shit they missed. Al B Fuct directly impacted my grow style, and do you remember Heath Robinson?
Heath was before my time.

Well Heath Robinson is a fucking legend! First person I saw pull over 2gpw, and he was always doing some sort of new experimental grow.

There aren't many of us left from way back when. I took a hiatus from the site the last couple years. It's nice to be back, though it's a little sad to see a lot of the same old fights just with new dogs.

The new ideas, fresh ways of looking at growing, and innovative experimentation is what I always loved about this site. I think it's important that we encourage that. Not just encourage everyone to do cookie cutter grows or shoot down ideas. This is all supposed to be about building each other up and creating new life and community.