Aquaponics..I'm thinking of doing it..Have you?

wanted to do aquaponics. and I had this 29 tall fish tank kicking around. So what the hell....
I put it in this plastic container I got from H.D. Why?? In case of a leak. Paranoia causes me to be redundant. The tank resides underneath. I bought a submersible pump which pumps 500 gph. Way over recycling needs. BUT it serves a dual purpose If you look kinda close at the top middle you will see a "T" connection. About 10 - 20 % of the water goes up to the grow. the rest is recycled back to the tank. As the water drops below the "T" it jets water back, oxygenating the tank. I know it's doing a good job 'cause I'm developing algae.
I felt rather clever in doing this. ( pat, pat, on the back). :)) . I have a valve on the left side to control water flow so the bell valve works properly.
The bell valve was put together with a hand drill, wood saw and Kosher Kush (the last item.....most important.). .
It has now been running for about 1 month. With one minor glich. It did started to leak around the valve at the bottom. So I took it apart and rebuilt it and viola it still leaked. But it some how healed itself and since then all is right with the world!!
There have been several posts since I've started this and I want t thank you all for the interest. As it stands things seem to be well. My wife's spinach is meeting her approval. My contribution to the grow seems, also to be meeting MY expectations.SANY0013.JPG
wanted to do aquaponics. and I had this 29 tall fish tank kicking around. So what the hell....
I put it in this plastic container I got from H.D. Why?? In case of a leak. Paranoia causes me to be redundant. The tank resides underneath. I bought a submersible pump which pumps 500 gph. Way over recycling needs. BUT it serves a dual purpose If you look kinda close at the top middle you will see a "T" connection. About 10 - 20 % of the water goes up to the grow. the rest is recycled back to the tank. As the water drops below the "T" it jets water back, oxygenating the tank. I know it's doing a good job 'cause I'm developing algae.
I felt rather clever in doing this. ( pat, pat, on the back). :)) . I have a valve on the left side to control water flow so the bell valve works properly.
The bell valve was put together with a hand drill, wood saw and Kosher Kush (the last item.....most important.). .
It has now been running for about 1 month. With one minor glich. It did started to leak around the valve at the bottom. So I took it apart and rebuilt it and viola it still leaked. But it some how healed itself and since then all is right with the world!!
Get a plecostomus or two, they'll eat the algae and contribute to plant nutrition.
Get a plecostomus or two
Yep I was thinking of plecos or some cat fish.
Ouch! You ok?
Just my pride.
You got e thinking of how to use a big acre plus stock pond...floating farms like the mayans...
If I had it I would. Could be even profitable. Not just with the Mary Jane but with food.
Here.. watch this guy he's a nut but dig through his videos and you will learn ALOT!!
Also this place is awesome---->
So this is how I filter my water. My wife was like "Is that our Brita from the fridge?" "Errr...uh...yah.?"
At that point she walked away. I guess that means I can use it.
So here is where I defied death,(for the fish), I threw Fox Farms' Grow Big in full strength.
Ammonia test went off the charts. AAHHHHHH!!!!
Dropped ten gallons and ....hey...why aren't the fish dead??
They don't look good. Listless and at the bottom but alive.
No--wait FF has ammonium nitrates. Whew. That's why. And ammonium phosphates.
Still bad but. Went to the W store and got 10 gal. of distilled water and did another ten gallon change. Ammonia test is still @ 4ppm. But my money, (and the fishes lives), are on it just being ammonium.
I've got gold fish and ruby red minnows. The minnows seem to be the hardiest. Never flinched.
6 weeks on the Mary and I wanted to show the product I've used to control the ammonia and nitrites. I'm sure there are others but this works on the fly. 24 hrs with moderate issues. Got it at the pet store and have since gotten more on line. The problem as stated above was a little more drastic.
Ammonia is down. 2ppm. Lost 2 minnows. I have them up with the floating plants so if there gone...there plant food.
Reminds me of school. Squanto taught the Pilgrims to plant their corn with fish.
So this is how I filter my water. My wife was like "Is that our Brita from the fridge?" "Errr...uh...yah.?"
At that point she walked away. I guess that means I can use it.
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What are you trying to remove with the Brita filter?
They really don't do much, your better off using RO. I dumped my Brita, that I just used for drinking water, when I did a before and after EC test on the filtered water. There was very little change. About the only thing it did was remove the chlorine smell, ppm's changed very little and pH not at all. I switch to RO and rain water, when I have it.

Well, whatever. It's better than nothing. Everything is really perky right now. I've also been collecting rain water. Everybody is happy as long as I don't play with the nutes. THAT'S WHEN CRISES HAPPEN!
Well, whatever. It's better than nothing. Everything is really perky right now. I've also been collecting rain water. Everybody is happy as long as I don't play with the nutes. THAT'S WHEN CRISES HAPPEN!
I think you're doing great as you are, but I add supplementation in my fish tank..
I think you're doing great as you are, but I add supplementation in my fish tank..
I do. In fact as I mentioned above I've been using Fox Farms' Grow Big Hydro concentrate. Fish don't like it but I think I'll cut it in half but add it more often. All the plants are smiling. I'm quite pleased with the way it's going.
For my 1st try I can't complain.SANY0111.JPG SANY0112.JPG Since last Friday. Swiss Chard, spinach, everything is booming.