Don't Bogart
Well-Known Member
wanted to do aquaponics.
and I had this 29 tall fish tank kicking around. So what the hell....
I put it in this plastic container I got from H.D. Why?? In case of a leak. Paranoia causes me to be redundant. The tank resides underneath. I bought a submersible pump which pumps 500 gph. Way over recycling needs. BUT it serves a dual purpose If you look kinda close at the top middle you will see a "T" connection. About 10 - 20 % of the water goes up to the grow. the rest is recycled back to the tank. As the water drops below the "T" it jets water back, oxygenating the tank. I know it's doing a good job 'cause I'm developing algae.
I felt rather clever in doing this. ( pat, pat, on the back).
. I have a valve on the left side
to control water flow so the bell valve works properly.
The bell valve was put together with a hand drill, wood saw and Kosher Kush (the last item.....most important.).
It has now been running for about 1 month. With one minor glich. It did started to leak around the valve at the bottom. So I took it apart and rebuilt it and viola it still leaked. But it some how healed itself and since then all is right with the world!!

I put it in this plastic container I got from H.D. Why?? In case of a leak. Paranoia causes me to be redundant. The tank resides underneath. I bought a submersible pump which pumps 500 gph. Way over recycling needs. BUT it serves a dual purpose If you look kinda close at the top middle you will see a "T" connection. About 10 - 20 % of the water goes up to the grow. the rest is recycled back to the tank. As the water drops below the "T" it jets water back, oxygenating the tank. I know it's doing a good job 'cause I'm developing algae.
I felt rather clever in doing this. ( pat, pat, on the back).

The bell valve was put together with a hand drill, wood saw and Kosher Kush (the last item.....most important.).

It has now been running for about 1 month. With one minor glich. It did started to leak around the valve at the bottom. So I took it apart and rebuilt it and viola it still leaked. But it some how healed itself and since then all is right with the world!!