

Hi there, im from brasil, so sorry for my poor inglish, this is my first time here and a wana show my aquaponic system

i have two purple raze and one NL x Shiva nutrin with only whater from this cichlid fishes aqua, this is for vegetation, the PH is 7.2 - 7.4.

and another coletive aqua with molinesias and other fishes for flowering, with ph 5.8 - 6.2.

i come here to say - AQUAPONIC WORKS!

all you have to do is feed your fish and buy or make a good filter to groow up a bacterium colonony. This bacterium will transforme the amonium comes from the fish excrements in nitrit and nitratratum. basic is good resource of nitrogen.

and the best - ITS ORGANIC!!!

i hope im have been clear with my words...but in case not, so my pics do it for me....

NorthernLight x Shiva - BuyDuchtSeeds - 24/8 - with 30 days
Purple Raze - seed from my brother 9/8 - 51 dias.

video -

hope you like it... Greatings from Porto Alegre - Brasil


Well-Known Member
very nice, i do some aquaponics with vegetables, you are really the first person that i have seen flowering marijuana with it, since nitrogen is the main nutrient from it i figured you would be lacking in the needed phosphorus but thought it would work great in veg. Yours look great though.Ive grown cherry tomatoes and jalapenos, keep it up.


Hi SMPPro, ty broo... in fact im groow cherry tomatoes too and they easy groow, more big and strogger then my maria.

take a look - tomatoes

The veg is easy, but in flower the problem is most the iron and phosphorus. im use Laterita ( i dont know write this in english) on my inert layer, because is very rich in iron...but o dont now how to suplement the phosphorus...i never test the levels, my experiment is instinctive.

i dont have yet a realy aquaponic in flowering, as you see the substrat for this Purplehaze is earth fed only with aqua water... my clonnes is coming, then i will know how dificult is flowering without phosphorus and iron suplement...maybe my aqua for flowering is good to this, or not, im realy have to buy a good test to know...

again, sorry for my inglish and tkz for suport.


very nice, i do some aquaponics with vegetables, you are really the first person that i have seen flowering marijuana with it, since nitrogen is the main nutrient from it i figured you would be lacking in the needed phosphorus but thought it would work great in veg. Yours look great though.Ive grown cherry tomatoes and jalapenos, keep it up.
That makes me wonder if there is a type of bacteria that produces phosphorous as a waste product that can be cultured in water and doesn't harm the plants...

+ rep for for your efforts! Keep it going!


Well-Known Member
Ive read that with a heavily stocked fish tank you can grow plants with higher phosphorus requirements. I just cut down all my plants in my aquaponics setup, i just had a flood n drain with clay pebbles, im just losing to much water this way. Im going to redesign it with an NFT this time, maybe ill get off my ass and put some pics up.


Active Member
Been doing some research on this very thing and here's the deal. The phosphate is all ready there and in the proper form. Every time you add flake fish food you are adding phosphates. Excess feeding means higher phosphorous

Aquariums try to keep them low because they accelerate algae growth which will plug lines pumps etc...Aquaponic systems usually don’t use big clear glass tanks allowing lots of light so it doesn’t matter.

If you are going to do NFT figure a rock biofilter ¼ - ½ the volume of your fish reservoir. You might want to physical filter media to the biofilter’s “spray area” (where the water enters”

This biofilter is normally also the grow bed but it is needed if NFT is going to be your goal…

Above all else if you have 18 gallons of fish water make sure you have approximately 1.8 inches of gravel on the bottom of your fish tank.

Most pet stores also will give you starter water if you buy fish from them. This will add the needed microbial stock to get the system humming. You may have to sit and wait as the system builds but once you do, they are less prone to wild swings

Once the system is up and running consistently for a couple days check and
Adjust the pH. Adjusting the pH using un-iodized salt (preferably sea salt) to
Raise it and vinegar to bring it down. I would suggest cheap feeder goldfish to
Begin with as there is a strong likelihood some will die while the system

Drawing water off of the system which is rich in nutrients and adding you favorite Phosphorous chemicals are another way. Check PH then run that solution separately in a different NFT reservoir system with the additives for a couple days. Let the plants leach out the nutrients, draw more water off and then add the used water back into the original system.

Wash rinse repeat

I know it’s a lot of stuff and I sound like an armchair asshole. I haven’t done it yet but I’ve been researching this shit for about 2 months now.

Backyard Aquaponics and Barrelponics can give you a real simple explanation. Plus has a ton of great designs and info