Aqua Illumination LED’s


Good Morning,I was wondering if anyone has used Aqua Illumination LED’s AI So Blue’s for growing? If so, did you have good results?I recently took down my reef and I thought of using my AI’s for a indoor grow.Any suggestions with be great…


Bumping Spheda

Well-Known Member
LED's for coral are usually very high CCT or even pure Blue. That's a lot of Blue light which, by itself, would definitely stunt plant growth. I mean I'm sure you could grow with these panels, but to what degree...? You'd definitely want to supplement it with "Bloom" lighting. I'm leaning towards some E26 or E27 based flouro's that you can hang around the SOL Blue to even out the spectrum, or maybe you can DIY a few LED panels with 630nm and 660nm Red. Either way, I think you're still going to have issues with an overabundance of either Blue or Red light at different parts of your canopy.

Assuming you're not going back to coral aquariums, I recommended selling the AI SOL Blue on eBay and putting that money towards grow lights. Aquarium LED's sell pretty well it looks like, so you shouldn't lose too much of your investment.


Thank you for your suggestions,

I actually started a grow with the AI’s. I’m on my second week, and at this point I'm seeing excellent results.

I’m going to use your suggestion and add E26’s to supplement… I like the ease of programing the AI’s and I believe I can incorporate the E26’s.

Thank you again.