April Grow - White Widow/Purple Haze


Active Member
Hey everyone...
It has been a long while since I've posted a grow journal. I still have some seeds from when I mixed my white widow with a purple haze I was growing. Anyways I have recently moved and I gave my tent away to a friend for the time being. I only have a small space to grow so I am going to grow a small tree to clip some clones from and grow them in the forest.

I am using some Fox Farm Organic soil and a large panel LCD Blue Red to light them for now. It looks as though they love it.

I have three growing right now and I don't know which is male or female so I am planning on running a 12light/12dark schedule but I am not sure when I should start that. Just to get a peek at which is a nice female I can cut from.

Any advice is greatly appreciated I plan on updating this every week or so.

Here are some pics I just snapped with my iphone.



Active Member
Just a side note *

I found about six seeds in some AK47 and I sprouted them. They have yet to break ground though. Ill be taking pictures of the crop for the next up date tomorrow.