April 20, 2010

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
????? Where are her nipples? Do not edit sexy pictures like that lol. 4/20 is gonna involve lots of 6 dollar burgers and I think my poor vaporizer is gonna need a tuneup afterwards. You should edit this title to include "what are you plans/ideas." Etc. This could be a thread full of traditions or just rad and crazy ideas. No hijack intended.


New Member
How about some grassroots organizing for a national smokeout day?

What with all these crazy social networking tools we have (myspace, facebook, cl and others) I'm sure we can organize a million person smokeout in cities acoss the nation. AT 4:20pm on 4/20, thousands of stoners around the nation gather at predetermined landmarks and blaze while carrying signs urging the reform of marijuana laws.

Here in Portland, we could just head down to Waterfront Park, or the Park Blocks. Either venue would be sufficient for thousands of potheads to blaze while lobbying for laws that doin't suck ass.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Only thing with that is that only 13 of 50 states recongize MMJ. Everyone else would be fucked. Stoners aren't THAT organized. To much work for a day full of copious amounts of delicious buds. Comendable idea none the less.


Well-Known Member
I usually cruise around a chain of subdivisons smoking blunts, but for 4/20 ill be more public about it, ill light up a blunt and walk around the mall

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Have fun in jail. Lol...MMJ patient or not...that's illegal. Hell you can't smoke in public places indoors anywhere here in Washington. $1000 fine.

I plan on having a bbq with lots of honey oil and hash and my nice volcano and getting ridiculouslt fucked up. Might make a Ganja Desert as well. My buddy shall be rolling a 20+ gram blunt wiith bits of hash and oil sprinkled....wait...packed in.


Active Member
Everyone from where i am just goes to thebiggest park downtown and we blaze all day. most people i have ever seen in the park. it was rainy last year so we were stuck in the bandshell, but 2 years ago there was the fattest cloud of smoke i have ever seen at 4:20. i was on local tv too with my brand new bong i had bougt that day. Man 420 is like christmas. the headshops around here have the fattest sales!


Well-Known Member
If I dont get locked up at the end of the month.Im gonna get fucking blazed that day.Shit even if I am locked up im gonna be high as shit on 420.


Well-Known Member
This will be my first ever 4/20 celebbration :D I usually have drug tests @ the beginning of may...but not this year !


Well-Known Member
lol damn dude, good shit

Yea i wasnt 4real, it'd be like how quick until i have to tackle a security guard, lol but no we dont take those routes, too many others. & 420


Well-Known Member
my pans are this: on 4/19 me and my friends are going to my firends house and roll up. the alarm rings at 4:20 and im gunna wake all my friends up and were going to all smoke.
then we are gunna smoke and make breakfast, watch the news on mute, cartoons and pothead movies durring the day. then were gunna go to the recording studio and record, after thatwe are going to go to the park where alot of our fellow stoners will meet up at, and we are going to have a bbq with good music and good vibes. then after the bbq my firend is gunna have a 4/20 party af\t his house were we will have alot of bud and basicly get super ripped
my pans are this: on 4/19 me and my friends are going to my firends house and roll up. the alarm rings at 4:20 and im gunna wake all my friends up and were going to all smoke.
then we are gunna smoke and make breakfast, watch the news on mute, cartoons and pothead movies durring the day. then were gunna go to the recording studio and record, after thatwe are going to go to the park where alot of our fellow stoners will meet up at, and we are going to have a bbq with good music and good vibes. then after the bbq my firend is gunna have a 4/20 party af\t his house were we will have alot of bud and basicly get super ripped
sounds like a sweet plan dude lolbongsmilie