Approaching Harvest Need advice


Active Member
Ok so my question is .. using my 100X magnifier i can see that all the trichomes are a milky color and very few are still clear im about 7 weeks 2 days into flower but now my question is im basically waiting to see some amber ones b4 i know its time to chop em down but my question is do i have to wait for all the white hairs that grow out of to the top of the bud to be brown? and collapse onto the bud or is using the trichomes as the chop down sign the best way to go... so basically use the trichomes and disreguard the coloring of the hairs or wait for them to brown? sry if this was confusing lol


Well-Known Member
in a book i have it says hair color doesnt reflect readiness, trichome color does. also, an amber "red" trichome is when it has died off. i cut mine as soon as it hit a few red ones in there. everything else was milky. damn good stuff. dont forget to flush em real good. i do hydro and flushed for a little over a week.


Active Member
well there like 75% milky... i cannot imagine another 3 weeks... im guessing in another week the clear will be gone and all milky ...atleast by the way they've been progressing week by week... the second i see an ember trichome im chopping ... but thanks i was wondering if hair had any relavence to readiness


Well-Known Member
You got a ways to go. You do want full swell, don't you?

I don't pay too much heed to that milky / amber trich percentage thing. I go by appearance. You can tell by calyx swell and heavy trichome coverage. If the buds are ready, they'll be fat and bloated like, "Please don't feed me anymore... I'm stuffed." Then you chop. Your buds look like they still have considerable weight to gain.

It's been my experience that when the overall appearance is ripe and swollen as I have described above, the trichs are mostly cloudy with a just a peppering of amber, and most if not all hairs have dried and shriveled into the fat calyx.


Active Member
well i was kind of hoping to have them dried and cured by christmas time... if i wait another 3 weeks thats not gonna be a possibility... i cant imagine there gonna need another 3 weeks that seems a bit excessive... 1 week... MAYBE 2... but god 3 weeks that seems ridiculous


Well-Known Member
7 weeks plus three weeks is 10 weeks. Most strains mature in 8-10 weeks. Not ridiculous.


Active Member
well the reason i'd like to speed this one along is because the plants are just 100% generic bagged seeds... and i have some amazing silver haze seeds i got from a site that i'd really like to get going... ughh dammit lol... so i guess after week 8 they'll just start swelling?... is that the major synopsis?


Well-Known Member
Wait and watch what they do. Observing the complete life cycle of sensimilla will make you better equipped for your next grow.

Besides, cutting and drying before the calyxes have swollen will leave you with very little to actually smoke.