Applying Nutes in rainy season (outdoor grow)


Well-Known Member
My outdoor plants are suffering from Nute deficiency (I checked out the excellent forum threads with pics to determine they need more Nitrogen). Last week I gave them a good watering with the same liquid fertilizer used last year (Botanicare Pro Bloom 1-4-5) and saw some immediate results. It's time to feed again but it has been raining the last two days and expected to rain off and on for the next 3-5 days. The soil is pretty well soaked through. Should I do a more concentrated feeding- regular instructions call for 1 tablespoon per gallon of water? Any other suggestions?

Also, my Nute store sold me Botanicare Pro Grow 3-2-4 to use during vegetative phase- should I use the 3-2-4 instead of the 1-4-5 at this point? My ladies are just starting to show signs of bud production. (Last year I used Pro Bloom 1-4-5 exclusively all season long with great results.) All six plants are in 7 gallon buckets with Mycorhizae Promix BX Plus as the growing medium.

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
So what you need to do is use the both of them if you are just begining to flower. Use diluted doses at first but your gonna need some nitrogen for bud production but to much towards the ends tends to delay things. Use them both separately like I said and then halfway through stop using the high N fert


Well-Known Member
PaulN'Chuck- thanks for the help & suggestion; I will post pictures later this evening- since there is no rain tonight, let me go feed my ladies


Well-Known Member
The rain has purified the pots. They still need N during bloom. but more P & K. I have quite a big outdoor grow going on and they have mainly been fed a growth fert 3 -3- 5 . Today I watered them with a bit of P K for the first time. Make sure ur PH is in range of PH 6.5 -7.0. If using tap water look out for Mg def but not Ca. You need to start backing of the N a bit but we need pics to be sure of this.


Well-Known Member

Sorry for the delay in posting pictures- since the weatherman said "no rain" I went out and fertilized the plants with my 3-2-5 Botanicare. Then we got 1 1/2" of rain overnight. With more rain expected the next 4 days, do I wait until the rain is gone and then fertilize or should I start now? I have 3 sativa plants already over 6' tall, two indica that are about 4' tall, and one blend that is nearly 5'. All are starting to show flowering characteristics.

Let me know if you need more pics to determine next course of action. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Weatherman is syaing one more day of rain. No rain yesterday- the pots are still quite heavy from all of the water in the soil, even Promix takes a few days to drain off. Should I fert as soon as front passes through, wait a day or so for soil to dry, or go ahead and fert now?

With the plants being tall (and the indica being "bushy") should I snip off the yellowed/damaged leaves or let nature and gravity handle affairs?


Well-Known Member
I would remove the yellow leaves near the bottom of the plant. They will fall off soon anyway and it will help them dry out a bit.


Well-Known Member
So being an indoor grower I can only offer you so much advice but I wanna help so bare with me. What I would do (mind you, I have little experience here) is use the fert whenever you feel its needed. Rain or shine. If a lot of rain comes and washes it out, its a good flush. THe sholtz isnt organic so u want it diluted if you ask me, but I guess Im speaking from my experiences with Miracle Gro. If the plants are big they shouldnt mind loosing a few dying leaves but they didnt look that bad to me. The yellow spots look to me like either a Cal problem or an Mn problem. Shouldnt be to hard to fix


Well-Known Member
i found this to be a good question, the rain definitely messes with me, i don't know if i should feed nutes when its been raining for a few days or just wait for the soil to dry out, i think I'm just gonna wait for the soil to dry out, mostly because to get the water out there its a mile hike, ill take the rain as a blessing imo.