Apple CEO Tim Cook.."I'm Gay"...

Last night, anti-abortion extremist Neal Horsley was a guest on The Alan Colmes Show, a FOX News radio program. The topic was an interesting one - whether or not an internet service provider should allow Horsley to post the names of abortion doctors on his website. Horsley does that as a way of targeting them and one doctor has been killed. In the course of the interview, however, Colmes asked Horsley about his background, including a statement that he had admitted to engaging in homosexual and bestiality sex. Updated with audio!

first, Horsley laughed and said, "Just because it's printed in the media, people jump to believe it."
"Is it true?" Colmes asked.
"Hey, Alan, if you want to accuse me of having sex when I was a fool, I did everything that crossed my mind that looked like I..."
AC: "You had sex with animals?"
NH: "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule."
AC: "I'm not so sure that that is so."
NH: "You didn't grow up on a farm in Georgia, did you?"
AC: "Are you suggesting that everybody who grows up on a farm in Georgia has a mule as a girlfriend?"
NH: It has historically been the case. You people are so far removed from the reality... Welcome to domestic life on the farm..."
Colmes said he thought there were a lot of people in the audience who grew up on farms, are living on farms now, raising kids on farms and "and I don't think they are dating Elsie right now. You know what I'm saying?"
Horsley said, "You experiment with anything that moves when you are growing up sexually. You're naive. You know better than that... If it's warm and it's damp and it vibrates you might in fact have sex with it."
interview, Terry began joking - apropos of nothing - that he and Colmes were ex-lovers.
Another extremist interviewed by Colmes not too long ago was Rev. Fred Phelps who stated on the show that he thought the death penalty should be given for those who engage in "sodomy." When Colmes asked Phelps if he had ever engaged in gay sex, Phelps blustered but never said no.
That's hilarious.
It's so widely accepted today, it's not news worthy anymore.
it never was newsworthy.

these kinds of stunts are simply tabloid fodder

i dont care how many dicks he puts in his mouth, but if he wants to be less ridiculed he might consider making products that dont require a buggy resource hogging application, and install a battery that lasts more then 15 minutes.

and maybe get a logo thats not quite so poncy
i keep telling you, they are buds, not dicks.


Looks hella weak. Terrible trim job. Small and airy. There is NO way you are supporting yourself with this. Unless you are selling to High School kids or Blacks.

Knowing how I feel about dope, why would you try to impress me with a dope picture? You fail again.
Looks hella weak. Terrible trim job. Small and airy. There is NO way you are supporting yourself with this. Unless you are selling to High School kids or Blacks.

Knowing how I feel about dope, why would you try to impress me with a dope picture? You fail again.

good try, large lady. your trolling is still weak as shit though.