App Ideas

hehe I'm the opposite, I had to take Java in school and learn C# on my own heh. But they're extremely similar, and with pro unity you can use java as a plugin if you ever desire. For advanced dev you can use java or other language as a shim to interface with external libraries, but it's beyond the scope of game development.

They have good documentation as well, it gives good examples you can hack up and there's a wiki with tons of code to use for inspiration. There are a lot of free tutorials and example games to learn from as well. Shit I got my job because of my experience with it using it as a hobby for 3+ years and it's the best job I've ever had. I used to work construction but still coded as a hobby.

I've never done any game development which is why I want to try it out. Hopefully, I can get it down before I come back to school in the fall.
Seriously, i dont have any. I actually have great ideas for inventions all the time........but i never write then down and i forget them.:-(......Yes, I am normally baked as shit.:bigjoint:
I need an idea for a game that uses the kinect sensor....something relatively simple that shows off the mechanics in a visual way. I brought one home from work this weekend and Unity has an example game (free in the asset store) all setup for using the kinect with unity via openNI so I can just hack it up.

When you install unity go to windows>>asset store, and sort by price...there's tons and tons of free stuff, models, code, textures, example games. Sometimes you get errors when you import...yesterday at work I bought 3 assets and had 49 errors, but it was because I was working on mobile build and it requires strict typing (for performance) where it otherwise works fine in other platforms.

All I had to do to get rid of the 49 errors was go to each error by dbl clicking it's error line in the console, and it would pull up a line of code with a variable that wasn't typed when it was created, so it just said myvar= some calculation; where in Unity for C# it would be float myvar = some calculation; and in Unity's version of javascripts(which some assets come with and you can use both js and C# together) it requires syntax like: var myvar : float = some calculation;

But when you first start you see 49 errors and are like "fuck my life" but the most common are for forgetting ; at the end of a line, nullreferenceexceptions meaning you're trying to use something that isn't defined, and random other stuff. After a while you memorize them and it's second nature to know what to do when they pop up.

edit:: here's where I got this afternoon: