Aphids on harvested buds

True! A certain number of bugs are in flour & limited by law.

In the US they have what's called an action level before the product can't be sold.


Wheat Flour

Insect filth
(AOAC 972.32)
Average of 75 or more insect fragments per 50 grams
Rodent filth
(AOAC 972.32)
Average of 1 or more rodent hairs per 50 grams
DEFECT SOURCE: Insect fragments - preharvest and/or post harvest and/or processing insect infestation, Rodent hair - post harvest and/or processing contamination with animal hair or excreta.

My husband has diabetes and I don’t want him to smoke sh*t I’ve grown and get sick. I guess I’ll just give it to my brother and he can make oil from it. At least I got one plant this year. I started out with 5 and threw 3 away because of aphids and I gave one to my brother and he’ll get this one to >:( Next year I’m taking preventive action against these buggers. I’ve learned a lot from everyone on here and I’m sure I’ll do better next year. Might even try a indoor grow for the first time so I’m sure I’ll be back with lots more questions. Thanks again to everyone for taking the time to answer me.
A good dedicated place indoors & that takes care of the critters unless you use a medium where bug eggs come ready to hatch. lol Sorry, but it is true. Coco, in quality Coco bugs are not a problem. NOW remember indoors the grower is the one that introduces bugs into the grow from their clothes and shoes. Good luck to you & your husband. My wife would never help me with my plants. Tell him he's lucky, but I feel he already knows that.
I doubt aphid bodies will cause any health issues. But the question is, why did you let the problem go on, and harvest without getting rid of the aphids first? I've never had aphids on my weed, just whiteflies and the occasional thrip, but I have had them on other kinds of plants. Easy to spray them, easier yet to spray the plant with water and knock then off
A good dedicated place indoors & that takes care of the critters unless you use a medium where bug eggs come ready to hatch. lol Sorry, but it is true. Coco, in quality Coco bugs are not a problem. NOW remember indoors the grower is the one that introduces bugs into the grow from their clothes and shoes. Good luck to you & your husband. My wife would never help me with my plants. Tell him he's lucky, but I feel he already knows that.
I know how you feel. My husband does nothing to help grow the plants, but he sure will smoke ‘em. Lol
Think of all the bugs that used to be smoked in mexican brick weed.

When I was a kid, late 60's, mexican brick is all we had. Sometimes it was damp and not dried and smelled like ammonia. Dunno if it's true, but we heard they peed on it to throw off drug sniffing dogs so they could get it across the border.
I doubt aphid bodies will cause any health issues. But the question is, why did you let the problem go on, and harvest without getting rid of the aphids first? I've never had aphids on my weed, just whiteflies and the occasional thrip, but I have had them on other kinds of plants. Easy to spray them, easier yet to spray the plant with water and knock then off
I fought them off daily. I didn’t get the aphids until flower was well underway and I would just go out every day and wash off as many as I could with the hose and I sprayed rosemary oil and hydrogen peroxide mixture’s to kill the ones I could see easily on the stem or under the leave I also put cinnamon on the top soil to stop the ants from bringing the aphids back on the plant. I kept the numbers pretty low on the one plant I had left ( Black Gas) and I harvested it on Sunday and did a bud wash. I dried a small piece and smoked it today and it did the job. So when it’s totally dried I will jar and cure it. I will probably look through it once it’s dried to see if I see any bugs but as of today I don’t see any bugs, bug poop or anything but shiny buds.
I have a plant that was infested with aphids. The buds still smell good but they look loose and they still have some trichomes on them although some are damaged. My question is can I still smoke the buds if I wash them or is there health risks to smoking bugs?
Makes me wonder how many bugs and stuff we smoked back in the seventies when they harvested them packed the whole plant into bricks. Branches, stems and seeds, you bought it all. We’d pull out the stems shake out the seeds and rollitup