aphid infestation from hell


I have been fighting aphids for the past few months. I already had twenty large hydroplants die becuase of aphids and knats. I have not personally come across anyone who has had it as bad as I have. The research I have done suggest Botaniguard and liquid Pyrethrin. I got Botaniquard and ran it through my hydro system. Hundreds of bugs washed out into my reservoir, but my plants wouldn't come out of it. The dead aphids and knats, along with their larvae rotted my roots out. I got rid of all infected plants and started growing in soil again, thinking that the problem would go away. Well they're back!!! I have found liquid pyretrins, but the companies I have talked to cannot give me any info. on using it as a root drench. I need help bad!!!!!!! I cannot afford to lose an entire crop again. Somebody pleae help!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Get some pyrethrum foggers, they should be around $26-$30. dont go for the weaker inexpensive ones either. Buy about 4 of them and every 10-14 days set one of those off in your room and continue to use neem oil even after theyre gone but less frequent if you want. Theres also a spray that costs about $90 a bottle that will get rid of your problem for sure. I'll try to find the name of it. But if that shit doesnt get rid of them I dont know what to tell you.


Active Member
buy lady bugs they will not eat the plants only the bugs when you start finding dead lady bugs your problem is sloved


Well-Known Member
yo guys the best #1 solution is "APHID CHASER"
APHID CHASER uses a NON-TOXIC, natural insect pheromone to disrupt aphid colonies and ward them off your roses, vegetables and houseplants.

Insects use pheromones to communicate. This pheromone dispenser upsets the insect's chemical ecology and breaks down communications in aphid colonies. These nontoxic dispensers do not affect beneficial insects or rose plants. They act to ward off most common aphid types, especially green peach aphids. Effects can occur in 5-10 days. Applying APHID CHASER early in the season will prevent aphid colonies from becoming established.

Place 1 dispenser every 20 sq ft or 1 dispenser per badly infested rose bush. Replace dispensers every 3 to 4 weeks.

Package contains 8 individually wrapped dispensers.

and #2 solution is LADYBUGS put these together and APHIDS will not exist.