apartment ripped off


Well-Known Member
This thread was an inspiration for me. There is a linksys wireless cam that has it's own webserver built in:


  • Sends high-quality live audio and video to your network wirelessly – viewable from most web browsers, anywhere in the world
  • Built-in video stream encoder and stand-alone web server – no PC necessary
  • Security Mode automatically sends email alerts with video clips upon motion detection
  • Supports MPEG-4 and MJPEG video at up to 640x480, and up to four simultaneous remote users

Set that shit up right on the otherside of your door way and have your emails ported to your cell phone. You will know the second someone enters your cribaz for a mere 100 bucks or so. =D
exactly, it's only a ball.
a ball is not alot of money.


Well-Known Member
"Knock Knock"...."who is it?"...."its the landlord to do an inspection". "Yeah, i dont feel comfortable with you going thru my home". Simple enough. I dont care if he comes back with 20 cops.....if you say you are not coming in and they dont have a warrant....they are not coming in!

You will be served with an eviction notice within the next month.....but thats a hell of alot better than 6 months in the slammer.


Well-Known Member
mate dats sucks sorri 2 hear ..deff get dat bastard bak wait till he cums bak round tie him up n beat the fuck outta him, make him fink twice abot wat he dun .. u seem 2 b takin it well cuz if it was me all hell wud break loose .. sori 4 my french bt that is a scumbag hu needs hurt..


Well-Known Member
in so many words she expressed that she felt it was a black man that may have climbed up from the second balcony which is possible to do from the outside hall way. I don't believe it, I feel that it was the maintenance guy. I did learn however that my home grown is smelly as shit, and everyone knows that the weed smell is coming from my apartment lol.
I know I'll be having nightmares of the pot smoking mexeecano maintenance guy kicking my door down for the rest of what he believes belongs to him.
Can we blame a Native American also? Maybe the Jews?... It was your white bro! Did your landlord tell you that they could smell it? What brought it up?

My house was broken into...coincidentally, the day before Thanksgiving 1989, by the cops. (Operation Green Merchant... f@#k UPS!) Luckily I had shut down due to the loss of a roommate and the resulting paranoia. After thoroughly searching my house. They locked it back up, and came back on Thanksgiving day to complete their injustice (9 grams of Mexi seeds and stems is a big crime in Kansas!)

Get rid of everything NOW! If you happen to get a visit from the man...DO NOT SAY A WORD...NOTHING....NADA...besides, "My attorney has advised me not to speak with the police without him/her present". Do not explain why you are choosing to exercise your rights, NOT A WORD!

With all of this said, I wish you the best!


Well-Known Member
My house was broken into...coincidentally, the day before Thanksgiving 1989, by the cops. (Operation Green Merchant... f@#k UPS!)
holy hell man. that's crazy... that was 20 years ago, but i wonder if they are still doing stuff like this ?!?! i was going to use UPS to get some equipment... :/


New Member
Live in an appartment that allows a dog and get one. Do not let friends and landlords pet the dog(watchdog).
nah dogs shouldnt b used for that man, dont put a pet in danger, camera would b better then you can find the fuck head and deal with him properly.


Well-Known Member
Why don't you go and pay the maintenance guy a visit and walk into his place when he opens the door to go and take a look?


Well-Known Member
Get this http://cgi.ebay.com/Samsung-8-Channel-DVR-LCD-System-with-8-Night-Cameras_W0QQitemZ390012130942QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item390012130942&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1234|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1308

Its a DVR so you can connect it to your internet connection and be able to always watch your grow from any PC on the net, it records a months worth of video so you will always catch the thief.

Combine it with these 2 items


Now you can watch live video or playback and even listen to your grow at all times with the audio recording capability, you will also be able to control everything from your cell phone from anywhere in the world. Use a blackberry like myself and you can view and control from the same device. no PC needed.

cons? Really expensive!!

Bonus..You could almost do the whole grow from a remote location with these items.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
I came back from an evening class to see coco on the floor in the hall way of my apartment. My closet door was open, light still on, but the 5 flowering plants were removed. 5 ounces in my fridge were also gone.

Whats fucked up is that the front door which was locked wasn't tampered with. This leads me to believe it must have been the apartment maintenance. He had been in my apartment a week before well I was there to check 'numbers on the the heater.' What do you all think? (i live on the 3rd floor in an apartment in ann arbor, which is a pretty safe area)

Also, the theif left my 12 serious chronic plants which are lookng pretty good at 2 weeks old. I've still got them under the light, which has got to be retarded.
dude go to the leasing office and find out if there were any open service request for your apartment if there was find out who completed it and them kick the guys ass after he gets off work.

ohh yea what apartments do you live at (i work in the industry on the east side)


Well-Known Member
I would kill the guy and use his remains as fertilizer for a plant I plant that I would name, killer. In the real world I would get the hell out of there immediately and not tell a soul where you are going. Until you know for sure who did this, which is probably going to happen next neveruary, I would not trust anyone who may have known.
I think you are justified in kickin the shit out the person who did this, however when your asked by the cops, "why did you mangle _____?" You get the tell em how he stole your pot. Just leave and be glad the lesson didn't cost you more.


Well-Known Member
holy hell man. that's crazy... that was 20 years ago, but i wonder if they are still doing stuff like this ?!?! i was going to use UPS to get some equipment... :/
They just cooperated with the feds by giving up shipping info (spineless), who trickled down my little 150w hps purchase to the local PD. I have used UPS, but I still don't like them. I am also legal. Most places, you don't have much choice anyway. If you don't mind used equipment, I would recommend craig's list if concerned about stuff being shipped, or ship to somewhere else.


Active Member
i recon a nice bag of green sprayed with diluted rat poison left in the fridge. Call up say the boilers playing up. If its the same dude the theiving bastard wont be able to help himself.