apartment ripped off


Well-Known Member
Live in an appartment that allows a dog and get one. Do not let friends and landlords pet the dog(watchdog).


Junior Creatologist
If people didnt grow in rented houses, the ganja market would be a sad, sad, state of affairs in the US. Not everyone that has ops going have alot else going in their lives income wise, and cant afford to just go out and get a loan on a house. It would be nice, yeah for sure, but we dont live in a perfect country in a perfect world. With all thats happening in the market today, its even harder to get a loan to own a house than ever before.

grow your shit n do your thing bro. Just take those extra precautions so you can do it knowing if something like that ever happened again, you would have bases covered, and youd either know who robbed you, or you could even prevent the shit from happening altogether. Dont shit like this make you wish that somebody would invent somethin like the door club for pepole that aint home?? that thing is fuckin pimp, but it only works if your home. Good luck bro, n happy growin. Dont let the people like the dude that robbed you, discourage you from doing what your good at doing.


Active Member
All states have renter privacy acts... HOWEVER any ILLEGAL activity make it all NULL AND VOID. All I say is that it will get you eventually if you continue to grow in an apartment. Kudos for all the ones that are stealthy not to get caught. But ever since I started reading this forums, there is always questions related to this situation. Even if that maintenance man "stole" your "illegal" grow, who is to say that he won't call the cops on you. Just pearls of wisdom, don't grow where u are leasing/renting because if you are doing ILLEGAL activities, you don't HAVE rights. Not trying to bust balloons but growing in leased/rented properties is not the way to roll, IMO. And I apologize for any flamers whom I offended but think about it ILLEGAL = NO RIGHTS.



Sector 5 Moderator
Definitely change the locks and make sure no one else has or gets a copy. Go down and ask the building manager if he sent the maint guy to your apartment. Make sure that management knows to give you a 24 hour notice before they come in and if they do not comply, you will consider it trespassing / unlawful entry. The piece of shit is probably waiting on your next crop to bud so he can steal those too. ...but it might not be him; could be a "friend" that borrowed your keys and knew you were growing. Maybe the weed will get moldy when they try and cure it, they smoke it and die.


Well-Known Member
blacksnow. you are a fucking dumb shit mind your own business... i only want people with experiance in the matter to answer my question, not some dumb cunt like yourself.. eh if you only understood.. my bro is ex military and is now attending huge party school.. he knows so many people, he wont rat me out cause he wont get time only having a half pound on him at a time... this is my only shot... I wont fucking know who to sell mass quantities of pot to when im 30 and neather will my bro.. this is now or never.. 50k and im out.. legit working man, with a house to flip and a maxed out ira
did your "bro" you mention here have a key? how many people knew about this op?
and also, where is it that you don't get any time for "only having a half pound at a time on you"??


Well-Known Member
change the lock and dont tell them. if they want in they have to give you notice, then you be there for there scheduled time to show up. its law you need minumum of 24 hr notice
yep change the locks and if they ask tell them your key broke in it. but get one that looks like it already so they don't think somethings up.


Active Member
Well thanks for your oppinions. I spoke to the land lord today and she assured me that it wasn't maintenance. apparently carl has been there for 9 years, and ricardo is a jeezus freak. idk. in so many words she expressed that she felt it was a black man that may have climbed up from the second balcony which is possible to do from the outside hall way. I don't believe it, I feel that it was the maintenance guy. I did learn however that my home grown is smelly as shit, and everyone knows that the weed smell is coming from my apartment lol. I've got 8k saved up from my outdoor grow, so am now looking into a house in Detroit. I'm hoping that I will be able to grow 12 indoor plants by January since prop 1 passed. Wish me luck, I have 3 months to go weed free until these plants of mine are harvested(hopefully by myself).


Active Member
Wow, I feel sorry for you. Your in the worst situation. See, I live in a nice cozy home, In the back-woods country. Hunt, Fish, And ride quads ( I race them... ). NO cops ever come where I live, OR the trailer park kids way up the road would probably shoot them because "They has papers!". Well, I think your best bet is to go to the man and get a friend to go to this guy and be like "You selling?, I'm buying some slightly grown plants." If the guy has the plants, And they Are yours and you KNOW they are, Punch the dude in the face put a gun to his head and wish him a merry christmas and get your pot plants. That always works :bigjoint:


Active Member
lol... man, 4 plants were stolen from me when this summer... my family has 400 acres, and wouldn't you know some ass hole managed to find some of my plants out there in the middle of no where. I was pissed then. This time I was almost relieved, just because the situation could have been so much worse, if cops somehow got involved and realized I had plants in my closet. 10 mins ago actually I just got back from HD. I was hoping that I would be able to replace my front door lock, but its part of a deadbolt door knob piece that I wont be able to replace without drawing attention to it. I put it on my bedroom door instead, which is better than nothing. I know I'll be having nightmares of the pot smoking mexeecano maintenance guy kicking my door down for the rest of what he believes belongs to him. After all, he does maintain these apartments.


Active Member
WOW! That is a serious problem, put a chain lock or two on your door until you can set up alternative security.
You've got someone whos been in your home, knows that your conducting illegal activity, and although has decided that it is easier to steal from you, can potentially lead to police at your door.
He may have already tipped off police, and knows you can't exactly reclaim lost goods.
Even if whomever stole your crop didnt report you, or doesnt plan to, you've opened up an entire span of people who are talking about, joking about, rumoring about your home and what goes on there. Whether it's a RAT or a more violent THIEF, you've got potential to be royally fucked.

Call it paranoia, But it's the paranoid who don't get caught.


Well-Known Member
still after you have been broke into or your op has been compromised then you will likely never feel ofr be safe doing it again...

change the locks he or she could call the cops


Well-Known Member
This thread was an inspiration for me. There is a linksys wireless cam that has it's own webserver built in:


  • Sends high-quality live audio and video to your network wirelessly – viewable from most web browsers, anywhere in the world
  • Built-in video stream encoder and stand-alone web server – no PC necessary
  • Security Mode automatically sends email alerts with video clips upon motion detection
  • Supports MPEG-4 and MJPEG video at up to 640x480, and up to four simultaneous remote users

Set that shit up right on the otherside of your door way and have your emails ported to your cell phone. You will know the second someone enters your cribaz for a mere 100 bucks or so. =D


Well-Known Member
i'm not trying to knock 'kingspade' (numbers and letters not properly typed) cuz i've seen him make a lot of sense... but 'darylgrow' on his first post ever is making a helluva lot more sense on this one.

dude, your site is compromised. shut the shite down immediately.

1. no matter who it was, it -was- someone that you know
2. there is nothing stopping them from coming back. i can't recall offhand how many door i kicked open back in the day, at least one of which was a metal security door on metal frame. (And i'm a small guy.)
3. your locks should have been changed.
4. you never should have been growing in a location where visits from landlords or maintenance men is a concern. the best landlords are out of state landlords and deadbeat or easy-going landlords. you still change the locks. and having a dog or two doesn't hurt, it discourages covert entry. (Dogs whose bark sounds bigger than a chihuaha.)
5. chop the little plants down or give them to someone else that can care for them for a while. and put your equipment at someone else's house. there's no reason why you -shouldn't- expect a day time warrant to be served from an anonymous or non-anonymous tip.
6. never grow at this location again.

the good news is, at-the-moment, the cops probably didn't take ur stuff or they would have left you a copy of the warrant. someone said that there is 'nothing worse than getting ur stuff taken'. I dissagree. Chock this up to experience and consider yourself very lucky that ur not in jail RIGHT NOW.

(EDIT)... of course... if the maintenance guy was in your house then he could have invited the police over who would be legally entitled to enter and take evidence with no warrant, in which case tommorrow could be very interesting for you. Like i said, put the equipment elsewhere and never grow at this location again.


Well-Known Member
im experienced at these things, break into the apartment look for the weed and if you find it trash his place and shit in his sink and piss on his bed. Move your plants before you do this cause hell cal the cops, and if he does then invite them in ull havenothing there lol but ull know hes a fagget ass rat bitch and a shitty thief change the locks. Wear gloves.
but what if some bullshit is made up we got u on camera this and that and they ask u for ur piss then what u gonna do ??lol just sayin


Well-Known Member
Wireless camera....make damn sure it is secure or they can watch your plants mature and harvest them for you.

I would say just poison one of the plants. Can ex-lax be inhaled?