apartment is doing "maintenance" what todo


i have 4 female plants that are 4-6 weeks away from harvest a 5 small clone maybe 3-4 inches tall i have a 6" carbon filter and a nice setup in my closet. well about 2 months ago the city came out and did an inspection over the whole apartment complex.. them doing this i moved my whole entire grow across town at a friends house for 1-2 week(s) then moved it back now almost 2 months later maybe 1.5 months later they send me and email as they always do before entering 48 hours ahead of time saying they will be correcting some of the issues found by the city inspector. this to me seems like a long gap.. are they really just now getting to it? or did they catch on to me.. i dont think they did but still. i think ill just move everything to my outside closet behind all my junk so they wont see them for 3 days they will have no carbon filter, lights, or water... ): will they smell? there maybe 1.5-2 feet tall the 4 big ones they are 1 month into flowering.. any ideas? what should i do.. my friends can not take them as there apartments are not able to take mine right now..


Well-Known Member
i have 4 female plants that are 4-6 weeks away from harvest a 5 small clone maybe 3-4 inches tall i have a 6" carbon filter and a nice setup in my closet. well about 2 months ago the city came out and did an inspection over the whole apartment complex.. them doing this i moved my whole entire grow across town at a friends house for 1-2 week(s) then moved it back now almost 2 months later maybe 1.5 months later they send me and email as they always do before entering 48 hours ahead of time saying they will be correcting some of the issues found by the city inspector. this to me seems like a long gap.. are they really just now getting to it? or did they catch on to me.. i dont think they did but still. i think ill just move everything to my outside closet behind all my junk so they wont see them for 3 days they will have no carbon filter, lights, or water... ): will they smell? there maybe 1.5-2 feet tall the 4 big ones they are 1 month into flowering.. any ideas? what should i do.. my friends can not take them as there apartments are not able to take mine right now..
they didn't catch onto you, you're fine. no worries.

what you can do is box them all up during the day. even go out to home depot and buy some boxes, tape them up as if they were full, label them, and stack them in front of and on top of the boxes you don't want them getting to.

that way you can take them back out in the evening and night and get them the light they need. 3 days in total darkness won't kill them, it might slow them down a bit though.

i'm guessing they don't smell too badly, but if they do put a cat litter box in front of the area. if you don't have a cat, borrow one!

or just stick them in your car during the day if you can. bring them back in at night.

the real thing to be concerned about is the smell.


thanks for fast reply! thats a good idea! ill do the box idea. im still trying to do the smell cover up. they sell this gel at the hydroponics store near me that the guy tells me will cover a whole room up so since the closet is outside that they will temp be in ill put the gell in the box with them! brilliant idea thanks. and no im not in a medical state...

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
Not worth the risk then. Personally id kill then. My freedom is worth way more than however much bud it was gonna be... If that's just not option, hide them.


Well-Known Member
thanks for fast reply! thats a good idea! ill do the box idea. im still trying to do the smell cover up. they sell this gel at the hydroponics store near me that the guy tells me will cover a whole room up so since the closet is outside that they will temp be in ill put the gell in the box with them! brilliant idea thanks. and no im not in a medical state...
the gel is only a mask. make sure they will not be going out into that area.


i will call tomorrow and get some info as to what they will be doing. but there should be no reason to go out there. i dont think they will catch on. plus im pretty cool with one of the maintenance guys.. the gel sounds like what i need. just something to mask it.

and ive never followed thru with a grow. I've always started it and got scared and cut it down.. im so far into this one this is the farthest ive ever made it and to only be 4-6 weeks left i think it would suck to cut them down. so i would like to try and keep them as much as possible lol
I have had this problem a couple of times, actually this happened to me last week. I somehow was able to collapse my homemade grow tent onto itself by cutting the PVC legs and folding it to put under my bed. I had 3 plants in a SCROG that were 2 weeks into flowering and a handful of clones. I waited until 3am and move my plants into the backseat of my car and parked it in the back of my complex (Luckily, I have very tinted windows). It was a 1 day inspection, so waited until 3am the next night to pull them out. It messed up the light schedule for a day or so, but im not worried about it.

In your case, it sounds like you might have a few visits. If you can coordinate it, it would be worth the work in the long run if you can do it safely.


Well-Known Member
If you get an inspection get rid of anything that could get you into trouble for the time of the inspection. That's a no- brainer to me.
If you get inspections every 1-2 months don't grow at that place.


Well-Known Member
Growing inside an apartment, under any circumstance where one should fear discovery, is simply ill advised. Any advice to the contrary is suspect and should be discounted with extreme prejudice.

Prison sucks.


Well-Known Member
thanks for fast reply! thats a good idea! ill do the box idea. im still trying to do the smell cover up. they sell this gel at the hydroponics store near me that the guy tells me will cover a whole room up so since the closet is outside that they will temp be in ill put the gell in the box with them! brilliant idea thanks. and no im not in a medical state...
bake a couple cakes and brew several pots of coffee throughout the day. those will really stink up the place. cook some bacon too. natural smells are the best.


Well-Known Member
if you can put them in boxes, do that. It isn't like they can start going through your shit. put them somwhere that doesnt backup to access pannels, some closets like mine shared the bathroom plumbing wall. glade plug ins should help with smell. most maintance guys could give a shit
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