Apartment inspections

If it doesn't smell cover it up with throw blankets and put a note saying "fragile" on it. MAKE SURE IT DOESN'T SMELL AND THAT YOU ARE HOME!!
my super literally stood 4" away from my girls and didn't know. Not only that but had another person there on the other side of the tent.. I also had some empty boxes laying around so it looked legit. They aren't going to go through your stuff they just want to make sure things are safe and fire alarms work.. They'll be doing that shit all day and are bored with life. Don't worry about it.

Do they move things around? Like im just going to have a cardboard box over my mothers. Then take all my flowering plants to the car n just leave them there till its done. Guna wrap all the pots up in tin foil or something so the media cant fall out the pot.

And box up everything else. Like il leave the eqipment boxed up in the middle of the floor all taped up. Cuz i know they cant go threw ur stuff.

but what if the landlord wanted to move the box covering the mother plants to check for no holes that the box could be covering up. Se with the bed for that matter. Do they move the stuff around to thruoghly inspect the walls n stuff?
And im going to change the lock for the room the grow will be in and il change it back everytime they come to inspect.
Its only once a year

Im not going to do this forever but i also dont want to get caught at all because the apartment is in living distance of my uncle
Yo guys nvm!!!! Im not doing this grow this is bull shit. I just wanted to do this for a bit so i didnt have to grow for a while but fuck this!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im just going to do a closet grow and grow once a year. All these inspections are fuckin bullshit
Do any of u fellow riu members live in apartments? Can u tell me what they look for? I have a 2 bed room and im making precautions for when they do inspections. They do it once a year.

i have 8 2x3 flood tables and 4 mother plants in soil. I was thinking of just taking down the tents puting the lights and stuff in boxes and 1 big box over the 4 mothers with blankets on top of the box and boxing up 2 flood trays wrapped in garbage bags with the plants and put into boxes in the middle of the room. Would this be fool proof? Im pretty sure tenants are not dummies but i can say there junk boxes and theyre just kept aside for years
Not doing the grow? According to this post it was already up and running.
I grow in an apartment. If they can't see any plants, they probably aren't going to know what it is. They'll see the glowing shit in the corner of your bedroom and probably just think you're a weirdo. No big deal. haha.
you little bastage.You should walk over n have your uncle smack you up for gp.You are the first person to lie on the internet I hope ya know!!!!:mrgreen: