apartment growing


Active Member
Hi im a newbie considering a grow but I have a few questions. Would you do a small cabinet grow maybe 2-5 plants in a rented apartement? Do landlords have the right to come in whenever and if they see something out of the ordinary like a cabinet making a fan noise can they call the police ?
thanks in advance
They can come into your apt. A cabinet they cannot get into but they could call on you. You should try to make your cabinet inconspicuous and as noise proof as you can get it. If a regular room fan can cover the noise your probably ok..
where i live we have the tenant's act that protects us from such invasions. they have to give 24 hours notice and valid reason before entering. plenty of time to plan accordingly. look into that first.

if the cabinet is stealthy and light proof, just have the fans off when they're in your home and make sure to use a carbon filter.
Yo bro, start small. Grow one plant and see what obstacles and adjustments you're going to need to make. As far as them getting into your crib, if they have no morals probably when they want, however, I don't see why they would. Unless of course your neighbors file a complaint. Again start small. More plants, more noise, more smell, I think you get where I'm going.
One or two of these will fit in just about any closet...

36x20x60, 600 watt, cool tubed, 10" from tops, 75F (I can control between 65F and 95F)...

Works good...

Home made, about a grand to do it right...



Thanks for the tips guys.
My plan is to grow 3 plants in a cabinet using lst. I will be using cfl's probably 6 42 (2700K) watts for flowering. Would it be alright to use fewer watt lights lets say 4 23 watt (6500K) and two of the 42 watt lights for veg? I will put a lock on the cabinet and make a homemade carbon filter. I'm not super worried about smell I used to smoke inside everyday until I quit. I decided not to smoke anymore until I can provide my own supply. For the fan I'm thinking about using 1-3 computer fans wired to phone chargers or a small personal fan rigged to blow through the carbon filter. I want everything to be mounted internally so that only one wire exits the back to plug in. Oh and budget is pretty tight I'm going with cfls and soil. I'm on the 4 of 5 floor and the hallways are outdoors if that helps. Also it is a one bedroom and the bedroom is tiny almost like a closet. I plan to set up in there and keep the door closed when I am not at home. There is nothing in there but my bed so there should be no reason for them to go in there to fix anything.