apartment grow.


Active Member
so im renting out a 1 bedroom apartment and using tthe bedroom to grow about 30-40 mid sized plants

i have all the lights and fans that i need.

My concern is odor it will be in a seperate room but what would be the best way to make sure no odor gets around to suspicious neighbours

I dont live in the U.S so im probably not as paranoid as you U.S folk punishment over here is quite a bit less severe but better safe then sorry

I was planning on getting a Carbon filter but how would i go about getting it to filter the whole room. and would it be a smart idea to vent it out the window through the carbon filter / scrubber

i have many questions but will stick with those for now


edit: this was supposed to be in the grow room forum my bad


Active Member
that is exactly what i was looking for thanks dude. Maybe a bit excessive but im defenetly gonna seal the room that way and filter the air out through the window

brilliant way to do it.

thanks again
Last post was 3 years ago, but just as relevant...I have the exact same question and situation, but the youtube link for that video has been removed, I am really interested to see it....

Do you have an alternate source to see it? How did you effectively seal the room?
same here hah..
The carbon filter would only scrub the air that is being ejected from the room. So somebody walking past the outside of your exhaust fan wouldn't smell it. But the room itself is a whole different story. 40 plants in a room will start to smell pretty serious towards the end. You could use something like ONA and put it all around the outside of the room.