Apartment Grow

Mr Toke

Alright, so I'm pretty damn high this afternoon and I get kind of hungry.. So I take a trip to the grocery store (only across the street :)). When I get back, I decide to check my mail. I get a notice in the mail that says the following:

Regarding MY ADDRESS, Tenants:
CONSTRUCTION COMPANY will be coming into your units as of April 27th, 2009 to May 1st, 2009. To inspect or work on repairing your units. Please make sure the area is cleared out of all things.
Property Manager

I live in an apartment if you haven't figured out already. So, I'm quite high at the time and I'm like, alright whatever..

Here is what I have set up in my utility closet, which has the switches for the power to the apartment.

So... what the fuck do I do with the plants? :-|


Well-Known Member
They're still pretty small, I'd see if I could hide them in a chest-of-drawers or something else like that for a minute while those guys come and poke around your flat. That, or stash 'em at a friends house for a few days 'til the danger passes.


Well-Known Member
you should really invest in a locking metal storage cabinet,, there like 200 buccks and large enough to fit like 6 plants and no one can see inside


Well-Known Member
you could easily put them on a patio nd say there tomato plants...even stick a tab in the soil with a picture of tomato plan t like most gardners do to organize plants nd such..if not put get a garbage bag put it over em nd transfer to buddays till the heat passes..but thats guna cause stress and possialby less yield

Mr Toke

I am making a contraption in my room right now as I speak. So I am going to transfer them to my room untill the inspection is over. I'm pretty sure that they aren't allowed in my room anyway.. But I'll keep you posted, and update with a picture of the new set-up sometime tonight.


Well-Known Member
If they're inspecting the place, they have to go everywhere. Just had a city inspection in February, and they had to come poke around my room and closet. Wasn't too in depth an inspection, mostly seeing if the roof and walls were stable and such.


Well-Known Member
you could easily put them on a patio nd say there tomato plants...even stick a tab in the soil with a picture of tomato plan t like most gardners do to organize plants nd such..if not put get a garbage bag put it over em nd transfer to buddays till the heat passes..but thats guna cause stress and possialby less yield

i did that at my mother in law my frist time and the cop came by like 20 time because the guy's who live upstair got problem's. cop got wind of it the last time because they were buding. pay a 300.00 fine and started a new grow after we kick out the people or the cop did.

as to your ? move them to a friend's house befor the worker get there and when they do ask how long they will be working at your house and move your gril's back in 2 or 3 day's after.


Well-Known Member
dam i live in a apartment and i get those letters like every 3 months it seems... it fucking sucksss..

But my friends are all med patients so i slide them over there late at night

but yea i would keep them in the closet out back, my place never ever goes in there
thats where im gonna put mine



Well-Known Member
Surround your plants with chairs and or other stuff , then throw a sheet or 2 over everything . Say it is to protect your stuff from dust if they ask . The workers usually won't touch that stuff .

Mr Toke

Well I got it setup in my room now. But it looks kind of obvious that something is going on in the section of my room haha. I may have to go with sup@baked and just pile shit in my room or something just to make it less obvious and harder to manoeuvre around.

Mr Toke

I think stressing the plants vs. letting the inspectors find your grow is a no contest situation.
mhmm, agreed.
I don't think these inspectors will be too insane, i dont have any work that needs to be done to my apartment, so maybe they won't even look around.


Well-Known Member
take down the 2x4 light stand. remove everything

put a cardboard box over them until they are finish.

easy. dont stress

Mr Toke

they are already in my room, the original grow room is just filled with boxes right now lol.
2 of the construction guys came in today, and they said we're just going to be fixing this hole in your bathroom (the plumbers left the whole last week)
and they'll be here a couple times.. they just installed some thing into the wall, now they need to paint in and such..
they won't be coming into my room, that's for sure.