Apartment Grow Ops, Good Idea?

It would arouse my attention then of course Id have to check it out.
That's against the law brutha. Any decent lawyer would get the case thrown out and come after your ass. Unless you planned on stealing them. In which case the tenant may come after your ass.
yea i know...nobody can just say hey im gonna look at your shit even if theres a lock. thats y im putting in a camera incase some asshole wants to b a dick.
go buy a northern light system.. BC Northern Lights ... get the producer.... i have one .. and im in a small apt ... im getting about 30-36 zips a crop .... there a lil $$ but worth every dollar .... after first crop .... you paid it back and u have some crazy smoke ...
I live in a tri plex. Just put a lock on the door of your grow room and if anyone is suspicious tell them it's a closet that you lock because you keep expensive computer equipment you're not using in it... or tell them your room mate lives in there and is really private and doesn't like people in his room. Some sort of excuse... the best bet is to not let anyone into your house if you plan to grow at all ESPECIALLY in an apartment. Landlords can always request an entry... a good way to cover up your grow if a land lord is coming and you have a full room set up is to use Panda film as a light reflector/black out of your grow room, then if you know hes on his way take it down, put your crop in your car or a buddys van/ truck with canopy... soemthing, black it out with the panda film on your walls, and park the bitch in your garage locked... they can't open it, and they wont want to, usually a llandlord inspection is just to make sure you aren't tearing the place up anyways. This is what we did in our buddies van. Then we used an inflatable air mattress, covered it with blankets, put up a fold up table, slapped some posters on the wall, and stuffed my lights in the closet. Landlord never suspected the room was anything but a bed room and it only took me and my buddy about 2 hours to tear it all down and make it look like a real bed room... and that 2 hours was without urgency and a lot of toke breaks. :) Good luck, hope my experince helps out a bit.
on my closet, aye nail up a big black tarp with a blanket over it with a sign "photo-sensitive negatives and equipment, please DO NOT OPEN."
forgot all theses people ...... buy the box ... save u time

Okay i want to buy it definatley. Does it make alot of noise in your apartment?? Can you fit it in a closet? Im probally going to go with a bloombox, clones are scarce and fuckin expensive down south!
bloom boxes are for bitches...DIY or die, if you can't work it out with your hands, you don't have the stuff to grow like a MAN. heeheehee.
Overpriced pre made systems scare me because they have no versatility.

Gotta sorta agree with asrabbi DIY or die... haha
Apartments are great to do your op in as long as your careful about everything you do. It's just common sense and good judgment that will get you a long way in an apartment. When I use to do it in an apartments, I would talk to the landlord about my op in the beginning and you would be supprised how many are cool with it, especially where i live in nor cal, and everything is done legally.
You can DIY all fuckin day long, congrats man yal rock. im not sayin diy is bad but if i got the money, im sorry dude im gonna spend it and sit back and relax.
bad experiences wit apartment grows if u stay small like a cab/dresser or some shit fine but anything larger may cause cardiac arrest on reg basis .. dicks in yo ass is bad for your health
Maybe bad for your Mind if you dont want them put in your ass...

But Having anal sex causes no medical health problems.....