apartment broken into, two plants jacked


Well-Known Member
someone knew
absolutely your totally right, thank you for telling me


Get a dog, man. Dogs are great. A dog barking is the #1 deterent from a random breakin (if someone has a plan to loot exclusively you you're done either way, but a barking dog will make the next guy w/o a dog that much more appealing.)

Another added bonus of a dog is that if he goes nuts around other dogs then a K9 unit is much less likely to bring a police dog near your car if it comes up. If a K9 unit comes near you car and you've got something in it for the records you're F'ed. A dog touching on your trunk is probable cause in 40 states for a full search and seisure.

unfortunately no dogs allowed here, i do have two attack kittens tho


New Member
I'm so sorry something so shitty happened to you Greenday. I'm also sorry that some pitiful moron had to say such terrible things to you about it here too. You come to your friends on RIU because you know we will all sympathize with you and then another member is a jerk about it. Just know that the rest of us would love to hand out a beat down in your name.

I bet your thieves are some punk kids. They only took 2 of the plants because they didn't have anything to hide the other 2 in, or someone walked down the hallway outside your door and freaked them out and scared them off. I don't think they'd be dumb enough to come back. They should be smart enough to expect that you will be waiting for them.


Well-Known Member
who r you talking too... i didnt mean to be mean to him if your talking to me... in fact if he was here with me id give him a plant lol

I'm so sorry something so shitty happened to you Greenday. I'm also sorry that some pitiful moron had to say such terrible things to you about it here too. You come to your friends on RIU because you know we will all sympathize with you and then another member is a jerk about it. Just know that the rest of us would love to hand out a beat down in your name.

I bet your thieves are some punk kids. They only took 2 of the plants because they didn't have anything to hide the other 2 in, or someone walked down the hallway outside your door and freaked them out and scared them off. I don't think they'd be dumb enough to come back. They should be smart enough to expect that you will be waiting for them.


Well-Known Member
are you growing legally ? , if not id be uber parinoid if i knew some stupid little shits knew i was growing. "hey guys look what i stole from .... hes got mad plants !" word will get around quick
if your still grow out doors ..... good luck dude :eyesmoke:

yea bro thats shitty, somebody broke into my backyard or hopped my HUGE ass gate or some shit this year, and stole 5 of my 21 putdoors (all were under 8 inches at the time) i ended up finding out who did it, or a general idea, but i got word from other people aroound that they killed off 4/5 because they were males, and the only female was 2 feet, its been 3 months THAT IS PATHETIC, im not even pissed i got jacked cause i didnt lose my other 16, and i got a lil outdoor harvest comin up. The only reason im pissed, is i know these kids dont know how to grow at all, took my girlies from a knowledgable caregiving grower who knows all i need to, and they ended up in the hands of douchebag retards who dont even water it, no wonder 4/5 were males, fucking stress. I have an abundance of plants i dont know what to do with now tho so i guess its a good thing the herb got spread, its just sad cause i would give seeds/clones to anybody wanting to grow, they just assume i wouldnt and have to steal, its sad really.


Active Member
aww..man..this really does suck and whoever did it...hope they get their asses kicked to a pulp. Shady people should be punished severly. Having your plants stolen is like someone kidnapping your child...terrible, just terrible. Evil people should be thrown into a barrel of acid! But besides that....love and peace to y'all,