Apache Tech LED Grow... 8x12...1900w


Well-Known Member
The point is those luck bastards got to smoke a joint and are growing a clone that was in space. Plus the beans...but I really want a cut of that space-space clone whatever the make up is. I will work hard to get one.


Well-Known Member
Wow i have not wanted to be an astronaut so bad since i was a kid! what i think is funny is marijuana is supposed to have irrepairable effects on a persons memory but they were not worried about that poor guy making it back to earth lol.


Well-Known Member
Dam that must be potent at that altitude. Have you ever taken buds up to the mountains? When you get 6000 ft+ the weed does dry out more but potency increases quite a bit. Taste improves too. So into space. .......


Well-Known Member
Dam that must be potent at that altitude. Have you ever taken buds up to the mountains? When you get 6000 ft+ the weed does dry out more but potency increases quite a bit. Taste improves too. So into space. .......
that explains why the best smoke in Denver comes from the mountains. Denver is 5280, and the people I knew had greenhouses at 6000-7500ft.


Well-Known Member
that explains why the best smoke in Denver comes from the mountains. Denver is 5280, and the people I knew had greenhouses at 6000-7500ft.
Those brothers in colorado on weed wars on discovery channel last year. Had their grow up in the mountains too. Aside from privacy. Same thing

Stay frosty


Well-Known Member
I don't watch TV, but I do know some growers ... which is almost more entertaining.

If CO wasn't still under the rule of our big bad Gov, I'd consider moving there (again) and not coming back. One word: Greenhouse.


Well-Known Member
Wow i have not wanted to be an astronaut so bad since i was a kid! what i think is funny is marijuana is supposed to have irrepairable effects on a persons memory but they were not worried about that poor guy making it back to earth lol.
Did you see they put a couple packs of hand warmers in the container to try and keep the clone alive. They said at the end that the joint was wet from all the condensation.
When I went to oregon all the bud was super dry...but super dank besides the dryness. Old Afghani grower said that up in the altitude from being up in the mountains increased their potency and resin...hash for them.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I kind of hoping that they will release their new product before they figure out my shipping ;)

can I ask, what's the new product suppose to be? newer chips?

also, looking at the W/R panels.. is 630 more important then 660? as I last thought, we wanted 660nm ???

also, anyone know what white chip there running?


Well-Known Member
They're making an AT180, which is a long single row(I think) panel, and the AT480 (4x AT120's in one case, to cover a 4x4).

and nobody knows what chips they run, but they put out more umols than my 5W CREE's at the same distance. Pretty impressive for 157W.


Well-Known Member
can I ask, what's the new product suppose to be? newer chips?

also, anyone know what white chip there running?
If you look back it is just a bigger unit for more coverage. unless there is another new product?
They're making an AT180, which is a long single row(I think) panel, and the AT480 (4x AT120's in one case, to cover a 4x4).
and nobody knows what chips they run, but they put out more umols than my 5W CREE's at the same distance. Pretty impressive for 157W.
^^^You guys got it.
The new units to come out over the next month are just going to be the same as the current AT120 but in different configurations and wattage's to increase coverage and usability in different situations.
Apache uses a chip that know ones knows about. I have a small idea why companies have never come across them but you would think someone would find them by now. The fact that these chips are rare/secretive and such high performers has to do with the higher Apache prices, the chip manufacture has apache by the balls. I don't even know the name or anything about it other than it straight up performs...Plus I have never seen a chip issue with an Apache unit. Sometimes "A" will say something so vague about the chips then he changes subjects. If any other company didn't put their info on chips I would be pretty skeptic, except that like DJ said they putout more umols than almost any other chip on the market today...yet they have been using them since 2010...and still at the top of people list of performers.
Apache is testing higher wattage/newer versions of their secret chips and have some promising results. I didn't want to talk about this just incase "A" is exaggerating till I see it myself, but the newer chip they are testing puts out 3000@12" and 1800@24" in the AT120 housing....more than the sun or anything else out there. But I don't want to make this claims till it's official and in production. There is a heat issue they are taking care before they can use them.

also, looking at the W/R panels.. is 630 more important then 660? as I last thought, we wanted 660nm ???
I had the same question a while back . we were having something to eat and it was regualr(non business) conversation...and this is what "A" said about it..."do you think that I don't know everyone thinks that there should be 660nm...I spent/spend so much time and money on plant physiologist and with NASA research that if we did't have the perfectly designed spectrum I would be doing something to achieve it.". "And only 3+watt chips perform right...haha". So I think apache really is comfortable/confident with their products.
Also if you look at apache's spectroradiometer charts they are slightly different than other companies. Apache is completely aware of this and has no intention of changing...they are waiting for others to keep following them. Apache is getting pissed that companies are claiming to use the "NASA spectrum"... but that is actually a Apache/NASA spectrum they codeveloped using apache units and engineers.


Well-Known Member
$750 is better than 1000+ but things could/should come down. I am waiting for them to use a new housing in the AT120 and that should bring it below A51 or at least to it. Then eventually with newer better chips, it will be a no brainer.


Well-Known Member
^^^^^ i wish they had lower pricing though. comprable to A51 or soemthing
if we're talking SGS-160 vs AT120 at the same price ... I would have made a different decision.

However, that is not the case. NTM the SGS is overkill for veg for the first bit, I view both panels as "mid veg through flower".


Well-Known Member
if we're talking SGS-160 vs AT120 at the same price ... I would have made a different decision.

However, that is not the case. NTM the SGS is overkill for veg for the first bit, I view both panels as "mid veg through flower".
I saw you say that in your thread about being overkill. That is funny to me cause I want to give my plants as much light as possible as soon as they can handle it. When I germinate beans I put them outside pretty much right away. Clones are the ones that need a transition period but it only takes a week tops. If you think the light is too intense you can always raise it(assuming you have the height).
Why do you think they are too much...cause yours is super tight internode spacing???

SIDE NOTE... I saw in puffs thread that EH is going to honor a promise made by fero for a light. That is a stand up move and I give much respect to A51 for their business practices.


Well-Known Member
The A51's are fine for any stage of growth. The Apache's are fine for any stage of growth as well. Both are 150-160w, and use similar spectrums. That is not a lot of wattage, it's only a matter of raising it a few inches to let the seedlings get used to what's up.

Though it may not be wise to follow many manufacturers or sellers suggestions for heights, such as 3m away to cover 9 square meters with a UFO, but I'll stand by this 100%, for any A51 light, the recommendations are very solid guidelines and should be followed within an inch or 2.

I'm sure if you got a hold of Apache, they'll give their recommendations as well, which should be fairly solid.

I saw you say that in your thread about being overkill. That is funny to me cause I want to give my plants as much light as possible as soon as they can handle it. When I germinate beans I put them outside pretty much right away. Clones are the ones that need a transition period but it only takes a week tops. If you think the light is too intense you can always raise it(assuming you have the height).
Why do you think they are too much...cause yours is super tight internode spacing???

SIDE NOTE... I saw in puffs thread that EH is going to honor a promise made by fero for a light. That is a stand up move and I give much respect to A51 for their business practices.
if we're talking SGS-160 vs AT120 at the same price ... I would have made a different decision.

However, that is not the case. NTM the SGS is overkill for veg for the first bit, I view both panels as "mid veg through flower".


Well-Known Member
I don't think I'll ever talk shit about A51, I love my light. I haven't flowered with it yet, but if you want to see the results, my journal is linked in my sig.

I've kept my light @ 18-21" so far, and 18" kept them very compact, 21" allowed for exactly how much stretch I wanted. 9 days left of veg, and then we get to the fun part. The only reason I say it's overkill at the beginning is because for the first two weeks, all 120W isn't needed. It's a mighty powerful panel.


Well-Known Member
I was running my AT120's at 32"+inches for veg. I do run multiple panels which adds up but they had no problem with growth or power and by raising it I could improve the coverage a lot. I ran them higher than usual in flower too but that had to do with the broad mites...they made things look like heat/light stress or Mg so I had them slightly higher as a precautionary. I will be at 18-22 for flower next run but for veg the sky is the limit specially with the 14* apache lens...they are so low angle and good for distance penetration.


Well-Known Member
I was running my AT120's at 32"+inches for veg. I do run multiple panels which adds up but they had no problem with growth or power and by raising it I could improve the coverage a lot. I ran them higher than usual in flower too but that had to do with the broad mites...they made things look like heat/light stress or Mg so I had them slightly higher as a precautionary. I will be at 18-22 for flower next run but for veg the sky is the limit specially with the 14* apache lens...they are so low angle and good for distance penetration.
I'm using a sledge hammer instead of framing hammer... I don't have a ton of height. The "ideal" space for an SGS is 24x36", I have 22x30" and only 48" height overall. I only have another 8-10" to raise my light yet.

I can't/won't say any of you are wrong for wanting as much light as early as possible. I want to get a LED floodlight or a Kessil for popping seeds/through day 10.