AOC - Tax the Rich

I think they should just wipe out federally held student debt, its an investment in having a highly skilled workforce. Would spur spending/the economy like nobodies business. Wages/salaries haven't really kept up with the rising debt load people have to take on in order to hold those jobs.
I think they should just wipe out federally held student debt, its an investment in having a highly skilled workforce. Would spur spending/the economy like nobodies business. Wages/salaries haven't really kept up with the rising debt load people have to take on in order to hold those jobs.
I would like to see something like paying back for 10 years and then getting it wiped, coupled with a deferred payments while working in at need areas so that those people have a reason to work the shit jobs with lower pay for their early career years.
I would like to see something like paying back for 10 years and then getting it wiped, coupled with a deferred payments while working in at need areas so that those people have a reason to work the shit jobs with lower pay for their early career years.

That would work, seems like anything along those lines would be a hit with the dems. We are the college grad base, throw us a bone uncle Joe.
I would like to see something like paying back for 10 years and then getting it wiped, coupled with a deferred payments while working in at need areas so that those people have a reason to work the shit jobs with lower pay for their early career years.
The thing is, the first 12 years of education isn't adequate any longer. Even four more years of college doesn't finish the student. On the job training might be more valuable but it's not something today's businesses do, maybe they need incentives or assistance? In any case, learning needs to continue for a person's entire life. Everybody needs to continue their education one way or another, at least until they can retire. That's just the way it is when society and technology continues to change and advance.

Education is one of the best investments a society can make to ensure it is healthy going forward.
I would like to see something like paying back for 10 years and then getting it wiped, coupled with a deferred payments while working in at need areas so that those people have a reason to work the shit jobs with lower pay for their early career years.
some smaller communities have paid for people's med school in return for them agreeing to practice medicine there for a certain amount of time. believe that was the premise of northern exposure, but it's actually happened more than once, with rob morrow not being involved at all...
some smaller communities have paid for people's med school in return for them agreeing to practice medicine there for a certain amount of time. believe that was the premise of northern exposure, but it's actually happened more than once, with rob morrow not being involved at all...
I would think of it more as invest in tomorrow. Pricing kids out of the ability to get the best education that they could achieve because those schools expect them to be able to pay a middle class income every year to obtain it sucks.
i've often thought that either states or the federal government should run "free schools" for higher education, you get a free education in exchange for volunteering 1 day a week for a year or two when you get out, in some field that has to do with your major. these would be like combination tech/ business schools to teach people how to do useful trades that are in demand, so you could get a certificate and pay it off by helping to build houses, helping out at vets and animal shelters, helping out at clinics and hospitals, working at government buildings, or on government vehicles, getting real experience in the field you want to work in.
no sports teams, no extra curricular activities, no debt.....just go to school, learn your trade, and start paying taxes back into the system, while helping out for a year or two...
we would have plenty of money if only the wealthy would pay their fair share- so anything above $0, is appreciated.

Trump cost us $7.7 Trillion, unpaid for..Manchin's press conference from his yacht is putrid:spew:

so, when do we start winning?
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We need a big Democratic year in 2022 if it is going to happen this term I am guessing.

encourage your dem friends..they show for the General perhaps not realizing it's all bottom up starting in your home town with local contests..we have to show for Mid-Terms..I'm guilty of this myself back in the day.
Videos are for the lazy imo. Also I like to reread sections before continuing. Text does not have the tyranny of time that audio/video recordings have.
I thought the Senator made some good points I felt like sharing. These points were made in a video interview, so, what can you do?