Anything strawberry........

I’m still sitting on a pack of sequoia strawberry ! Holding long
Thought about buying a pack of those when they came out but I opted for hazeman's strawberry cough. Not sure if that was a good move, lol. Haven't heard much about eiter the strawberry c or the sequoia s.
Well they're not strawberry by name, but there is a small chance I'll find another strawberry/fruitloops/garlic pheno like one of their moms.
I crossed three critical sensi stars by a Buddha's dream male (blue dream x buddha's sister), and one of the phenos of critical sensi star had a strawberry almost fruit loops smell with a touch of garlic. I didn't get a chance to finish that female the two times I ran it because I was battling high humidity and mold with her fat head nugget so I had to chop her early. So I'm not sure if her strawberry smell equal strawberry taste because I just made hash with the 7 week product.

But I'm hoping that I get lucky with the some hundred beans I made and find the Sour cherry of the buddha's sister with some of either the blueberry from the dream or the strawberry garlic from the one c. sensi star. Here are eight of what I'm calling for the moment, critical dream star. Not the most original name but I feel it credits both parents that way.
I second that, I also had a sensi star that smelled like strawberry. Did not have a Garlic smell that you are describing with yours though.