anything else?


Well-Known Member
been awhile since i've been on here (hiatus, i suppose). last grow wasn't so good and cut short due to me having to move to a different place...

but i'm back to start another attempt of growing. i plan on doing a PC grow this time around. .. going with the CFL soil one in the next few days.
money maker (strain hunters) is my choice along with a free feminized holy grail 69 (samsara seeds).
soil will be fox farms ocean forest
nutrients will be the same as my last, jack's classic ap/bb, and molasses (slow as brand, unsulfured pure blackstrap)

might there be anything i should add to my nutrient list? soil? i want this to come out way better than my last and not have any problems, big ones at least..


Well-Known Member
as far as your last grow what problems did you run into? nutrient issues? ph?. never personaly used jacks, but ive heard that its pretty simple to use. in my opinion the easiest nutrient to use is foliage pro.


Well-Known Member
@matt .. since i'm soil, i'm guessing Soil A&B should do? if i were to go that route on grabbing em.

@caveman low pH, was late on fixing that. and Kdef problems.

thinking i should add cal-mag to the list

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
Beware if you add cal-mag and any other nutes with (N) it will spike it up or double it. Double check on that tho just incase. Hope it all goes well for ya mate


Well-Known Member
@labs cal-mag is safe, but the jack's classic ap is high in N.

been thinking for awhile switching it up and getting ff's big bloom, grow big, and tiger bloom for this time around.

making it those 3 with GH's cal-mag. if i'm correct on ffof, should have good enough nutes for 30 days before adding the trio combined. but as for watering, i believe i can add cal-mag and big bloom every time.