Anyones Dog steal your stash?Brownies? I got some stories haha,Post em


Well-Known Member
I was babysitting my daughter's dogs, a 4lb pomeranian and a 3 lb chihuahua. I woke up one morning and they were both unconscious on the kitchen floor. I thought that they had been poisoned by something, so I poured peroxide down their throats to make them puke. Then I noticed little bits of foil all over the floor, along with my purse. I had gone to a party the night before and someone gave me a brownie wrapped in foil. They were unconscious for about 8 hours, barely breathing. I think the chocolate in the brownie is what really made them sick. I think if they hadn't thrown up they might have died. Not funny!


Well-Known Member
By the way. Just so people know...

If your animal ever eats TOO MUCH edibles, and you are worried, a charcoal treatment at the vet will speed along recovery.

They feed the animal a liquid charcoal that soaks up alot of the cannabinoids. They will shit black the next day, it is nothing to be alarmed about.

A charcoal treatment at a vet hospital + first visit will run you about $100US. My friend went through with it once before.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Awhile back I repotted with some 'super manure' and other nutes. That soil was too strong and my plants were dying. So I repotted with normal base soil and waited for recovery. A few days later I came home and found 2 of my grow pots on the living room floor. I thought wtf? a raid? was I robbed?
Looked in my basement where the pots were and found soil all over the floor. My male dog somehow thought that stinky cow shit 'super manure' was a big treat to eat. He later puked a lot of it up and crapped some funky turds the next 2 days.
Days later he somehow found the bag of bonemeal and ate most of it. He didnt get sick like he did on the soil though.


Active Member
a year ago, my puppy, who was 3-4 months old, ate 3 very strong cookies. She was lost. She was shaking uncontrollably. She peed on my lap. I was scared. She was 80% in 24 hours... 100% in 2 days. Today she stole a baby plant.

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Don't get your pets high on purpose... they're already dumb enough. Even the smartest ones.