

Well-Known Member
give it a full pot of soil, water from a bottle, and make sure the light is close enough


Well-Known Member
id use a 18 w cool flourescent until they 4" tall then go brighter and get some miricle grow potting compost to pot in and u wont have to use nutriants until flowering. its good stuff and drys well :joint:


Active Member
If your seeing new healthy green growth I wouldn't mess with anything else. Do as Maryjane suggested and sit back and let the plant do it's thing.

I will add my .02 though. Why would anyone put a plant on 24/0 light cycle? Anything... even a plant ;) needs rest :P in my opinion. I've seen more growth occur during any plants life cycle, including that of pot during its night cycle. If it were my plant I'd aim for the 18/6.

Use common sense even nature provides a dark period or resting period.


Well-Known Member
ya ull b fine the only way u can get a hermie is if there are several plants or a male and felmaile the male has to pollenate the female in order for ne nut sacs to sho up so if thats ur only baby ur ok to change ur lights
:o:o:shock::dunce: what ????????????????


Well-Known Member
There are 4 healthy leaves now underneath which I think is the 1st node...all the leaves from the 1st set are dead, even the little one that didn't grow..are the leaves dying because the new leaves are taking the nutrients away...should I cut off the first set of leaves so that the 4 new leaves can get more light? Or just leave it the way it is and don't fuck around with it...


Well-Known Member
Just let those little ones fall off if there going to. Let your plant veg until it gets big. You need to figure out your room and height limitations. You can make them bushy you don't really want them to get too tall they will fall over. You keep the light right on them and yes do go for the cool tubes you need to keep the light so close that it will make them grow fat and bushy. Once you get to a size thats bushy enough for you then sex it thats when you go 12/12 and it will sex. Thats when you see if it's male or female. If you have to go little tiny then do that I go big and bushy, I tie down the taller stalks so that the middle and lower stalks get light, But you won't be doing that for quite awhile. I'll show you one of my pics here so you can see how big and fat I like them.This was from a bag seed that I didn't know what it was but the guy wanted it back if we found any so I knew it would be good.



Well-Known Member
yea man just let it grow if leafs are dying its probly overwaterd. mine are 4 ft now in last week ov flowering and they still have every last leaf and about 3 oz per plant... and i only use 1 ov them big 200w 2700k cfls and reftector. and i didnt give nutes tit 12/12:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
The first pic is from like 2 weeks ago...The plant can stand up on it's own now...What's gonna happen with the new leaves and the old ones...And is a 42 watt and a 23 watt right over it enough light for it...I know i should have more but i am really working with a small space in a closet...


Well-Known Member
ive got 400w all together in my closet 1 200w for veg & 1 200w for flower big cfls dont giv off much heat ither it dont matta if my leafs touch them.. but u do need more light tho


Active Member
i agree that the pH is looking off and your girl is looking a little bit soggy. Also i have a bag seed in bud right now and she had some trouble getting going. If you havnt already i would wash out any nutes you may have used on the seedling and check the pH. also the bottom baby leaves are suppose to fall off once the plant is mature enough and has 2-4 other sets of leaves. I found that any brown patches on leaves should be cut off but not the whole leaf itself. Thats all i can offer.

If you do want to give some nutes to the seedling there is nothing better from my exerience than the perfectly mixed soil containing worm castings coconut fibres and perlite. also if the seedling needs more support why not just burry the plant with a lil more dirt half way up the stalk its cant hurt


Well-Known Member
i agree.. berry the plant another inch and the stem u berry will gro roots. and i also agree flush the plant but do it gradually. dont over water.. its the biggest most common mistake first time growers make.. i did it myself once upon a time.. also like i said some seedlings need less intense light at first if it dont like it it will collapse and bend all over. up 2 u tho but i know what im on about..


Well-Known Member
So i cut off the old dying leaves and it actully looking pretty good now...But i basiclly started over but i have 4 leaves that look really good..Now the temp in there is 85-87 with 2 fans blowing...And now that it's 3 weeks and has a really good root structure is it ok to fert???


Active Member
how big is the pot and ow well does it drain? you may want to use a very diluted solution the first time just to introduce the nutes but if the pot is a fair size than there should be nutrients left in the soil. Also dont be afraid to let the girl dry out a little bit. this causes the roots to have to work for their health


Well-Known Member
Every time I have ever buried any more than an inch or so it kills it, so I wouldn't go more than that. Also when I nute I always go half strength just so I don't burn them. It's just something I have always done. I can always use more. It's a pain in the ass to try to flush them out when you over do it.