Anyone with extra seeds Don't care what kind


Active Member
I bought seeds from Marijuana Seeds (cannabis Seeds) High Quality Low Prices and also from Cannabis seeds straight from the breeder/seedbank NIRVANA - High Quality Hemp Seed - Indica Sativa Feminized Marijuana seeds. 10 seeds from both places. I have AIDS and thought growing pot would help me. Neither are doing very well. First seeds. only 5 germinated. 3 living. second seeds. 7 germinated. My kitten eat 4 of them have a total of 6 plants left and can't afford to buy any more seeds. Thought I would ask. appreciate anything anyone has. Can trade some interesting plants I have ? Thanks


Well-Known Member
sorry man, don't think you'll get any takers.......... and if you do, be weary of them.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
You aren't allowed to solicit seeds and/or plants and/or finished product on this site. It's against the rules!

I feel for you and your situation, however you are gonna have to play by the site rules if you don't want to get banned.

Do you live in a State with Medical Marijuana laws? Can you get a card? If you do I'm sure you can get acquainted with some people at the Medical Marijuana clinic and hopefully they will be compassionate and help you out.

If you still have your plants (even if doing poorly) start a new thread and post some pictures... the people here may be able to help you get them back to health. The advice here is wonderful... I've learned a ton in my short time here.

Best wishes to you :peace:


Active Member
doesn't hurt to ask.maybe I can buy more soon ? Nirvana seems to have the best prices? do you know any better sources ?


Well-Known Member
Why don't you go buy some weed with seeds in it? Just because its weed with seeds doesn't mean its bad ganja. Spend 10 bucks, get stoned a few times and collect a dozen seeds to torture- a first time grower is going to make many mistakes, hence the torturing of the plant.


Well-Known Member
I would send you my bagseeds no problem but 6 plants is enuff for one person to grow for many years.
Seems to me your problem isnt the seeds or your hungry kitten but your growing methods.
Unless you plan on making a living off of it I dont see why you need more than what you have now.


Well-Known Member
I would send you my bagseeds no problem but 6 plants is enuff for one person to grow for many years.
Seems to me your problem isnt the seeds or your hungry kitten but your growing methods.
Unless you plan on making a living off of it I dont see why you need more than what you have now.
true that. You can just take clones off the best looking female and repeat the process. Out of 6 seeds, you should atleast get 2-3 females.


Well-Known Member
If you live in California you are more than qualified to get a Medical Marijuana Card....fuck any other state that has a medical marijuana program in act you would qualify for. If you live outside of these wonderful states then i certainly see why your on here asking for help. I don't think anyone on here would "send" you seeds or any other type of plant matter. Its clearly expressed that any actions like that are against the rules of this site.

My advise to you is to seek a doctors recommendation for your medical marijuana card. If you happen to live in CA i would be more than happy to provide you with a list of Doctors that recommend marijuana instead of pills for your pain.

Well best of luck to you were ever you are, FYI even if you outside CA i can still get you a list of Doctors that recommend Cannabis. Just have to be in a state that has a medical marijuana program in act.


Well-Known Member
cloning??? :weed::weed:
You have a ton of posts on here dude? U Honestly havn't read anything on cloning yet. It's the best freakin method of growing there is... You can literally take your healthiest plant and dupicate it endless times. It's fucking incredible....


Active Member
I got some seeds from a friend. about 97 of them. I tested the seeds by floating them in water to see they would sink. most did. Then I took others and used the damp paper towel method and waited to see if they would pop/germinate. Its been 2 weeks and nothing seems to be working ? Its been warm here have the paper towels on a black plate. keeping them damp and then placed in a black plastic bag. They just aren't germinating. they seem fresh, hard and big seeds from common strong pot. What could be wrong? I have no idea how old they are? Probily within this last year?


Well-Known Member
I got some seeds from a friend. about 97 of them. I tested the seeds by floating them in water to see they would sink. most did. Then I took others and used the damp paper towel method and waited to see if they would pop/germinate. Its been 2 weeks and nothing seems to be working ? Its been warm here have the paper towels on a black plate. keeping them damp and then placed in a black plastic bag. They just aren't germinating. they seem fresh, hard and big seeds from common strong pot. What could be wrong? I have no idea how old they are? Probily within this last year?
Are your seeds dark colored ? If there white there probably shitty seeds.Ive got a friend who doesnt have any kind of green thumb because hes in the same boat as you and i just cant understand why its so hard to germinate seeds(because its so easy) G' Luck dude...:peace:


Active Member
Yes they are all dark color and some are brown others are darker almost black and with stripes. did the pressure check. None crushed they look good but just aren't popping/germinating. soaked some in water to see if they sink they. Others in damp paper towels placed in Black plastic bags... its been two weeks. nothing happening?


Well-Known Member
take a damp paper towel get it moist put the seeds in the middle of the paper towel or napkin (i use recycled convinient store napkins) get a plastic freezer bag put the moist covered seeds into the bag.seal up the bag half way,blow in the bag with your mouth and seal the freezer bag up all the way...put in a dark warm place and wait 24 - 48 hours I guarantee you have some pop this way...


Well-Known Member
I germ 3 bag seeds off kush plant this weekend. Did it sat night and they all popped and had tails. Planted then yesterday. It should not take 2 weeks.
Maybe they got two hot or too wet. Moist paper towel ring it out a bit then put it in a sandwich bag. Two days and they should crack. Mine werent even that good ( would probably break under the pressure test)