Anyone watch CHiPs ?

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
So if you grew up in the 70's -80's you prolly watched this show....i found season 1-2 on demonoid and the quality is mint!

It was good to get stoned and watch some old fashoin Ponch n Jon lol

This show was bomb! and it still is!:!::!:

i wish theyd release the rest of em..maybe they will now

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
LOL yea WTF is Jersey Shore? retard tv is all they offer now...if it wasnt for the history channel id prolly put a 12gauge thru my tv

i think ima get my Ponch n Jon on pretty soon....2 more beers


Well-Known Member
Right! Nothing gay about it! Anyway heres a less "gay" one for us to remember the legend that was... is.:-P


Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Hes the eternal legend!

Lastnight i watched the one were he got blasted in the face with nitrous oxide..and was trippin balls ridin his bike...long live Ponch!


yeah i used to watch Chips in the olden days lol....but it kinda got boring..maybe when stoned its good to watch lol

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
if its been years..get a big bowl ready and re watch will laff alot now at the serious parts...but its still a good show