anyone want to suggest their favorite indica?

Hi Kush, I can suggest Nirvana's PAPAYA, no kidding knock you on your ass indica stone and a good yielder, tough bugger too, not too difficult to grow.
I'll go with my favorite landrace indica, Hindu Kush. Strong medicinally, fast grower and finisher at 55 days.
The first time I tried this was around '95 with a stoner pal. He managed to get a bud and told me "hey, do you want to try some Williams One Hit Wonder". Having absolutely no idea what this was, I said "sure whatever". So he rolled up a normal sized joint (no crutch. . .it was the 90s!), and he, myself and my brother quickly finished it off.

Ten minutes later, he and I were couchlocked to the point where neither one of us could do anything but sit there in a stupor for half an hour. Meanwhile, my brother (who wasn't used to smoking) literally collapsed into a heap on the floor!

Haha! Sorry for your bro but damn that is funny. I can just picture it now....
I like some good ol Skunk#1. Hard to go wrong with that. Looks good smells good, and has a good punch to it without making you too retarded. But if you want just smoke a little more and you are retarded. Decent growth rate and some good dense flowers. After you cure this stuff up for a couple of weeks you'll be going to your jars for nose hits. Oh I love a stinky skunk. Good luck, Good grow, Be safe, :peace: out.
I like some good ol Skunk#1. Hard to go wrong with that. Looks good smells good, and has a good punch to it without making you too retarded. But if you want just smoke a little more and you are retarded. Decent growth rate and some good dense flowers. After you cure this stuff up for a couple of weeks you'll be going to your jars for nose hits. Oh I love a stinky skunk. Good luck, Good grow, Be safe, :peace: out.

I think skunk #1 is considered hybrid, some even have it as mostly sativa (G13 Labs, Royal Queen).
Nice...Nice...Is this the Sensi's Hindu Kush???

Acctually I have no idea. I got the cut from a friend, who got his cut from a friend. Didn't really feel the need to know which breeder, seeing as I already knew the strain was worthwhile having seen my friend grow it.
Quote Originally Posted by Jogro
Ten minutes later [after sharing joint of Williams Wonder], he and I were couchlocked to the point where neither one of us could do anything but sit there in a stupor for half an hour. Meanwhile, my brother (who wasn't used to smoking) literally collapsed into a heap on the floor!
Haha! Sorry for your bro but damn that is funny. I can just picture it now....

15 years later, we all still remember that one! We were outdoors at the time, by the way, so we were more like "grasslocked" than "couchlocked".

It wasn't very funny at the time, but its one of those things that we all laugh about now.

Anyway, I think anyone who smokes enough eventually gets one (or several) "overdose" stories like this; this sort of thing is certainly not unique to this particular strain.

First time I visited a Dutch coffeehouse ten years ago, I smoked some Jack Herer (I think. . .) and not only did it turn me into a gibbering idiot, it made my female companion completely paranoid. Again, funny in retrospect, not so much when you're freaking out as a tourist in a foreign country!