Anyone using earth juice???


Well-Known Member
So today I got some E J bloom and Catalyst that im going to use for my Secret Garden, but the one question I have is Working with he pH of this stuff, I have always added pH up/down to my nutrient mixes "indoor" but I have read on the forms that you can aerate EJ it to stabilize the pH but i don't have the Equipment to aerate it.. so that leaves me the question to pH the mix or not.. some people say they have better results from not pH'ing it. they claim to be because when you mix up it can lower pH to around 4, they mention the microbes and bacteria in the soil naturally razes the pH to the correct level and because of the natural raise, the plant can uptake from a wide range of pH levels???

My plants are outside in amended soil with ph of 6.7 with chicken shit and watered with tap water pH 6.9...

Do i need to pH my Earth Juice?



i personally add all my ferts then work with up or down chems on the soil but my friend who is far more experienced than myself does ph his ferts he is very scientific about it I hope I can be like him some day


Well-Known Member
Ive purchase the EJ Micro blast, i will just be using 1 tbsp of that in a gallon of water once a month
in combination with Max sea 3-20-20
and some bone meal 12-0-0 that's already in the soil i think im done with that stuff for now since were almost in august. I don't think i will need much more N, but you never know.
its all about the soil year..ill be more conscious of that..