Anyone useing cyco nutes?


Active Member
Hi all any of you green fingers useing cyco nutes.
If so it says on there chart to start at 1000 ppm week 1 this seems very high to me. Has anyone tried starting at 1000 ppm this early?
Also is there any specific order I should mix my nutes in got the platinum profit for free so gonna run it soon.
I've looked on there website and emailed cyco three days ago but as yet no reply.



Well-Known Member
I use only their Potash ans Swell as of right now. My friend used the full line and loves it has great results. I am thinking about switch to their veg and bloom nutes. Always start nutes at 1/4 strength and work your way up. Also keep in mind that Cyco is for hydro so the valves will be higher than if you are growing in soil.


Active Member
Hi all
Thanks for your reply intenseneal.I have spoken to the guys at cyco and they assure me that in hydro it is ok to start at the recommended dose but not to exceed 1400ppm. So will be giving it a go soon and can't wait to be honest!


Well-Known Member
I understand that it's manufactured by SD industries, which manufactured Advanced Nutrients in Australia until big mike pulled some shit that pissed them off. The Cyco line is SDs retaliation I am told.