It was cheap but I had access to a bunch of free copper tube, and the heat exchangers were pulled out of GEO units that we replaced, pumps to circulate the glycol are about 100 each, to buy the shit would have been more than a good used aquarium chiller. If doing it again I would just buy a used chiller that worked and had a coopernickle exchangerCan you a diy glycol chiller easy enough. Do you have any links . I'm driving myself crazy trying to come up with a chiller I can afford.
Thanks Bare
It was cheap but I had access to a bunch of free copper tube, and the heat exchangers were pulled out of GEO units that we replaced, pumps to circulate the glycol are about 100 each, to buy the shit would have been more than a good used aquarium chiller. If doing it again I would just buy a used chiller that worked and had a coopernickle exchanger.
I don't use copper in the res, my outdoor coil is copper filled with glycol and the heat exchangers are coopernickle, the res water travels through PEX. Yes you are correct that glycol is not as good (485 versus 500 multiplier I think, yup been a bit) but negligible considering I'm dealing with -30 C lol. If growing indoors with a flooded root zone it really does pay to get some sort of chiller and yup dehuies and window units can be used but I would never suggest it for fear some one would kill themselves doing itCopper and nutrients don't mix... technically they should but more than a few people have tried using copper wort chillers/coils of copper tubing only to run into issues... stainless has been the go to material for either soaking in nutes or nutes flowing through aside from the titanium coils the grow company's rob u for even though the heating/cooling transfer via titanium is awesome to say the least but too expensive compared to stainless wort chillers for beer making... they're like $50 each if u find the right place to buy them... I've installed many heat exchangers on heating/cooling/geo systems and one of those nice square 2" thick taco ones would be mint but I think you'd run into issues but if u had one definitely worth trying... I personally always thought glycol lowered heating/cooling efficiency compared to plain water but I've been out of the new technology heating/cooling game for about 7-8 years now so I could be wrong... but I used plain ole pex water pipe coiled up in a jam with a diy dehumidifier for a chiller and it's the best $/time I've put into my system bar none... it'll be improved by next summer big Time but I can't ever bring myself to buy a chiller as a hobbyist grower for the cost difference and knowing it's basically the same piece of equipment just configured differently and with about a half hour I can make a $200-300 dehumidifier including parts into a chiller that's on par with $800 1/2-1hp chillers...
I don't use copper in the res, my outdoor coil is copper filled with glycol and the heat exchangers are coopernickle, the res water travels through PEX. Yes you are correct that glycol is not as good (485 versus 500 multiplier I think, yup been a bit) but negligible considering I'm dealing with -30 C lol. If growing indoors with a flooded root zone it really does pay to get some sort of chiller and yup dehuies and window units can be used but I would never suggest it for fear some one would kill themselves doing it.
I have all digital controls for each res with a 2 degree differential, water is on 24/7 for waterfall effect and glycol pump main is on 24/7 to allow for a bit less glycol but not much lol. I was more referring to someone else killing themselves not me, I teach HVAC principles and have pretty much every licence there is except electrician but refrig guys know more lol. Been a tech for like 30 yearsView attachment 3799852
It works by producing some thing cold to suck the heat out of something hot, it's that in a nutshell. The hotter the hot thing is the better it worksHey man we all fuck up... I've literally bent 1000's of feet of soft tubing (mostly 3/8 oil line but pretty much every size up to 2" k) and I managed to break 2 dehuey lines, 1 exploded and leaked out all over the place (sorry world) and the other i managed to stick under the water in the res I was bending the cooler into and it wasn't as bad but as I said we all mess up... but I can't imagine Joe homeowner that has a tough time with a philips screw driver doing it, but I don't think anyone without some kind of mechanical inclination would attempt it... I hope not but as I said in this thread actually, u gotta expect the biggest moron in the world is gonna be trying it so.....your right...
But I got lucky for quite a few years n worked for a company that let me do some of the most amazing heating systems you could think up... I've done from single zone rip outs to running 5 guys doing 186 heating zones and the same # of cooling zones in a giant apartment building... then throw in the geo here n there but hydronic is actually enjoyable when u aren't under the gun in the middle of winter but you feel like u actually built something when your done.... that isn't gonna get covered up with Sheetrock... I didn't do enough geo to know the systems but piping them is pretty simple once u lay it out and tie the wells in... but it still kinda doesn't make sense to me HOW it works...but it works so...
It works by producing some thing cold to suck the heat out of something hot, it's that in a nutshell. The hotter the hot thing is the better it works. I work on GEO's a lot, quite a few here but no one to fix them, it's called job security lol.