Anyone used a re-mailing service? US based seed banks


Well-Known Member
My last shipment of seeds was swiped by customs a while back, and I've been thinking of using a remailer service anyway so that seeds aren't coming to the grow location directly - one of these places that gives you a US address, and will then forward packages to your home... Anyone used such a thing?

Also, sort of the same subject, how safe really are these newer US based seed banks? It's my understanding the federal laws are still harsher on state to state mailings than having seeds shipped from overseas. But it sounds like US based shipping has a much higher arrival rate... Thanks!


Well-Known Member
If they being mailed state-to-state, you don't have to worry about customs. I haven't heard of anyone getting their beans nabbed ordering within the states.


Well-Known Member
Seeds caught by Customs have nothing to do with the address they're going to. Remailing used to be a common business. Before email. Buy American. Baked Beans Cannabis Seeds is very good. Cheap shipping.


Well-Known Member
There was a company that was getting their packages nabbed before they left the post office but only one i have heard of having that issue and i do believe that they havent had an issue with that sense.