Anyone use or seen the Spin Pro or Magic Pro Trimmers?


Well-Known Member
Aardvark trimmer , it cost a little bit but I heard its crazy nice. Just hook it to a vacuum hose and ur set. Search it on google, i think it was around $100, bet well worth it if u have lots to trim


Well-Known Member
nvm thought it was around $100 US , but after looking around on some sites its looking like around 299 euros , ouch. Which is alot more than 299 US , I dont even know but prolly around 400 instead of 300


Well-Known Member
I read a few bad reviews on the aardvark and it looks cheap so that scarred me away. What does everyone else use on here other than sissors?


Well-Known Member
I read a few bad reviews on the aardvark and it looks cheap so that scarred me away. What does everyone else use on here other than sissors?
ur right, it does look cheap.. I couldnt believe when it said $375 US, thats insane.. its a tub with a cutting blade that u attach to a vacuum lol...


Well-Known Member
I saw a while ago but I wasnt really convinced.

As much as I hate trimming with snips, you cant beat the results, I like to get right down in there and get all the leaf off.


stays relevant.
aardvark = mod a vacuum attachment with a razor blade, and put an inline filter on the end to catch your trim... much cheaper made.


Well-Known Member
aardvark = mod a vacuum attachment with a razor blade, and put an inline filter on the end to catch your trim... much cheaper made.

It COULD be done, but I think its way easier said then done. Im pretty sure the aardvark has spinning blades inside, that could be a real hassle to try and make.


New Member
it so easy to say shit when you have never designed built or brought a product to market, and all you do is talk shit on chat rooms

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
I just rip off the main leaf at the steam & trim the sweet leaf with small cutters dont need to spend $200+ to do that


Well-Known Member
I agree I typicaly have about 35 5 foot plants to trim. Does anyone know how long it takes 2 people to trim that? I have made my mind up I need something to help for the next harvest. Im just not sure which trimmer I need. I wish there were a few people on here using them that would chime in.


Well-Known Member
its a very good idea for someone that has many plants to trim. very interesting also. i would love one of those triming machines if it worked correctly without tearing up my nugs. peace.