Anyone use a worm composter?

That one will work fine, or you can save some money and make your own for quite a bit less. There are plenty of plans out on the web to choose from.

Like anything there is a bit of a learning curve but once you get a healthy habitat set up it is pretty easy to maintain. Be patient getting started and don't overfeed. Depending on how many worms you start with it can take a little while for the population to grow and stabilize.

Your plants will thank you!
Would one of those size machines or diy produce enough to supply a small garden. like 12 5 gallon pots or 36 1 gallons.
I just built one and plan to build several more. I know I won't be ready this year but hopefully next year I will have enough for a good size vegetable garden.

I was given a bunch of 2x4 from an old building. I built the first one with the boards and wire mesh.
This stuff is so interesting to me, I am creeped out and shit by bugs but after reading all the benefits I just am excited. I am worried it will stink though so I am looking for a more outdoor one because it is very cold outside and I don't want my babies to get frozen.
Would one of those size machines or diy produce enough to supply a small garden. like 12 5 gallon pots or 36 1 gallons.

I don't think so. That's going to be tough. How much space do you have to dedicate to a worm farm?

Those small farms are good for feeding your kitchen scraps to the worms but depending on how many worms and how much kitchen waste you have plus how much energy you are willing to expend on prepping the scraps determines whether or not it's the right size.

If you are expecting the highest quality castings you need to pay attention to the food and bedding a little more carefully. My opinion is that those type of systems are overpriced. A large cloth pot on a pallet works great.

There are so many variables to consider to be able to answer such a simple question appropriately.
The worm factory 360 is cool for keeping indoor. It is easy to move and takes up little room. I am looking at making an outdoor bin, but I am not disappointed with my 360. It took me a couple of tries to get the bedding right, so smaller was better at the time...
I brew tea once a week and I am not going back to my flood table anytime soon!
I'm running a few hundred head of worms on my ranch. (could be more...who really counts worms?)

They live in the basement in a plastic tub about 15 gallons or so and eat my food scraps.

Gotta watch the citrus scrap though. Worms aren't into them.

When I get too many worms, I split some out into a 5 gallon pail and give them to a friend.
Sometimes it can get a little too wet. Good to have a way to drain off the wormy juice that can collect in the bottom of the worm container.

I usually put it in a blender and have it with my protein shake*. For some reason, shortly after I just want to go fishing. Odd huh?

* I don't really do this... well there was that one time...
Sometimes it can get a little too wet. Good to have a way to drain off the wormy juice that can collect in the bottom of the worm container.

I usually put it in a blender and have it with my protein shake*. For some reason, shortly after I just want to go fishing. Odd huh?

* I don't really do this... well there was that one time...
I had to read this twice...
first I just kinda wrinkled my eyebrows in that "what the fuck did I just read?" way.
then I saw the asterisk.
you can make 3 worm bins with the price that one has!!! maybe even 4 man, i suggest you look into how to build one yourself. its really easy, i made 2 bins for free with some bins i already had filled with my childhood toys and clothes haha. ( man those gi joes... those were the good days... ) All i spent was 10$ for worms and collected materials for around a month and im set for some free worm poop!
you can make 3 worm bins with the price that one has!!! maybe even 4 man, i suggest you look into how to build one yourself. its really easy, i made 2 bins for free with some bins i already had filled with my childhood toys and clothes haha. ( man those gi joes... those were the good days... ) All i spent was 10$ for worms and collected materials for around a month and im set for some free worm poop!
hell mine was pretty much free, I use a 20 gal smartpot, and I shredded some boxes, added water, and got some worms from my brothers bin, some old rootballs, and presto!
Even still, I think uncle jims gets you a whole bunch of worms for like 15 bucks.
Which I ended up doing to accelerate my bin, but I could have gone with just the initial amount, they reproduce pretty quick, especially when it gets warmer and you give them melons. Melons are like an aphrodisiac to those horny lil guys/girls... It seems anyways..
hell mine was pretty much free, I use a 20 gal smartpot, and I shredded some boxes, added water, and got some worms from my brothers bin, some old rootballs, and presto!
Even still, I think uncle jims gets you a whole bunch of worms for like 15 bucks.
Which I ended up doing to accelerate my bin, but I could have gone with just the initial amount, they reproduce pretty quick, especially when it gets warmer and you give them melons. Melons are like an aphrodisiac to those horny lil guys/girls... It seems anyways..

i have fruit flies EVERYWHERE. i think i made the holes too big... lol. i placed them outside my house, came back an hour later to check on army of ants walking towards them!!! and my garage is way too hot for them. not sure what to do.
i have fruit flies EVERYWHERE. i think i made the holes too big... lol. i placed them outside my house, came back an hour later to check on army of ants walking towards them!!! and my garage is way too hot for them. not sure what to do.
could be too wet, or too much food too, or not enough worms.. or a combination of two or three of those...
The way I did it was by using old rootballs, so I have some perlite and volcanic rock in there too, helps keep it from getting too swampy, a bunch of shredded cardboard helps too, or it's also a good idea to use a good base of peat mosss as the bottom, kinda helps keeps a good humidity for the soil too.
I think wormbins and growing pot are similar at first, meaning the most common mistakes are "too much" with cannabis it's too much attention, mucking with ph, or ppms, or adding food too often or too much watering, etc.
With wormbins its often similar, too much food, too much water, etc.
More often than not, with both, the best thing is to do nothing.