Sellers must be so happy with people who buy all the BS that their marketing people write.
Yes, Clonex does work. So does any rooting powder. The main ingredient is 0.25 or 0.3 % Indole-3-butyric acid.
That is what makes root grow faster, more, longer, thicker.
The rest of the ingredients are so little that they don't even mention them on their bottles.
That means it is negligible, otherwise they would have to name them by law (where I live)
Sure, their marketing people know that many people fall for the BS-statements made on their website.
But do you think there is any commercial grower (cannabis or other plants) that buys Clonex?
Clonex is largely overhyped and slightly overpriced.
GardenSafe Rooting Hormone does the same job. If Clonex would be so much better, faster, healthier... Commercial Growers would buy it by several 10 gallon drums. But nope, their main market are the home-growers in the cannabis society.
Commercial growers do use Indole-3-butyric acid.
20 ml of clonex per gallon?I only put 10
I was talking about 10 ml because you guys discussed this amount.
But let's say you dip your stem in Clonex and then put it straight in a cloner. Then there would be even less ppm of Indole-3-butyric acid in your cloner.
Let's say you use 1 ml in 2500 ml. Then the ppm would be 1.
I am not trying to convince you. Just giving my opinion so growers can make up their own mind.
Also no need to call someone an idiot, if one doesn't agree with you.
I also acknowledge that if something works for someone, this person will stick to it.
I would probably do the same.