Anyone Tried Spice Or K2?


Well-Known Member
has anyone tried these or other legal alternatives to pot? im getting randomly drug tested now so i cant smoke weed for about a year, but ive heard some good things about this legal stuff that doesnt show up on drug tests. could u post me links of where u bought it from preferably in the US?


Well-Known Member
This stuff is all just some type of bs herb with a jwh compound sprinkled on it. If you actually want too experience a good cannabinoid you need too get HU-210. You can only find this in powder form on a select few sites. This , HU-210 is 800x stronger than THC compared too jwh which is 1-10x stronger. Also, you can buy normal JWH - 018 . 073 and others in powder form and then freebase or snort it, more bang for your buck.


Idk about k2, but I wouldn't mess with spice. I've heard it has addicting qualities.


Well-Known Member
From what I heard on here is that darwins head stash is supposed to be good and pretty compareable to weed.


Ive been thinkin bout tryin darwins. There's actually a user on here named darwinsheadstash.


Well-Known Member
wats up spice is alright stuff but str8 out any time i smoke that it makes my ears feel id advise you to stear clear........try smoke4x,s it will get you stoned enough...... the best legal high to date ive smoked is ice gold you can get it from or .com legal hash basically smells like pollen and spreads in like pollen without the need to burn in lethal stuff..check it out......peace



Well-Known Member
ok thanks guys i think im actually going to be leaning more towards the powdered JWH - 018 or the other jwh's ive seen. it seems like it would be cheaper in the long run and i could just sprinkle it on some tobacco or something. but i also found a website thats selling something called splice, wich is much cheaper than anything else ive found yet. has anyone had any experience with this splice stuff?


Active Member
Yo man, seriously... Try Illusion. Buy it I guarantee you will feel like you are stoned for the first time again. (but have it in buckies. fat creamy buckies). Taste a bit like ass but it's worth it.