Anyone tell me ANY kind of veggies that do well under HPS?


Well-Known Member
So basicaly, for various reasons I can no longer grow the beautifull plant that is 'Marijuana' under my 400watt hps. But I figure I may as well grow something legal. I was wondering if the gardeners of RIU could recomend and veggies fruit or herbs that can be grown under HPS. all I really know is- peppers, tomoatos, flowers and that's pretty much it. I would really apreciate any help on this, even if it's not any particular plants that can be grown and just some viable information on growing plants under HPS. thanks again guys.


Active Member
wheat grass and its good for you. If you do it organ you might be able to sell it to a local Health Food Store that Juices. They swap out there trays with what they have cut and pressed. And being local you will have sa small carbon footprint.


Well-Known Member
I also have parsley, chives, tobacco and peyote growing in my 400w hps closet and they all seem to be doing well, especially the parsley. I don't think you'll produce enough to justify the electricity useage but it makes sense to use the leftover room.


Active Member
i got two grosse lisse tomato plants in with my girls under a 400w. i think their great cause they dont need to be super close to the lights and dont require specific lighting schedules to fruit. also one of the best yeild to size plants.:clap:


Well-Known Member
hmmm...interesting. I will definitely be doing some kind of tomatoes. those sound like a good variety. And that wheat grass also sounds good. I know it supposed to be EXTREAMLY beneficial to you'r health which obviously couldnt hurt.