Anyone Still Using The Moonshine Man Mix?


Well-Known Member
Chem will get more out of the molasses if ya bubble it.....with some EWC.

If you can do that once a week or even every other it would benefit you more than the few feedings of molasses by itself towards the end.

Chem Dawg

New Member
Chem will get more out of the molasses if ya bubble it.....with some EWC.

If you can do that once a week or even every other it would benefit you more than the few feedings of molasses by itself towards the end.
Thank u for the input Dankster! I've seen the abbreviation EWC but have not a clue to it's meaning.. If you could explain the process I'd greatly appreciate it man! Thanks in Advance!


Well-Known Member
Thank u for the input Dankster! I've seen the abbreviation EWC but have not a clue to it's meaning.. If you could explain the process I'd greatly appreciate it man! Thanks in Advance!
Earth Worm Castings-EWC

Here's an easy tea.
1/2- 1 cup of EWC per gallon of R/O (reverse osmosis) water
1-3 teaspoons of all natural/organic molasses.
Bubble with air stone and pump from petco or local pet store for 24-48 hrs.
You can get a mesh paint strainer and stick the EWC in there and have it dangle over your bubbles.
Some people just throw the EWC in their container and bubble away.
I like using 5 gallon buckets with about 3-4 gallons of water because the teas tend to create a froth that bubbles over the top.


Active Member
Thought I,d through my 2cents in here . ANY hot or organic type soil mix does require a cook time for "optimal results" Google up on organic soil mixes and you'll learn why . Now given that you'll notice I quoted optimal meaning you dont have to but it wont be all it can be . Cooking the soil ,and this doesnt nessesarly mean it has to be in the sun , means that elements in the soil are being broken down by myco and other micro life in the soil this process makes nutrient uptake more readily availible and at a broader ph spectrum . It simply something you have to do , google composting and you will also learn this process and the temps required and the heat it generates . Hint hint . PEace !
Mycos are only active when roots are present. Just saying.


Well-Known Member
Lol....looks like a dirtyho beat me to it.No offense you dirtyho....i just dig the nic.

With the mix you have i would really suggest the teas.It'll work with just the water...but works better with a few simple ingredients.

I do pretty much as posted

5 gl bucket with 4 gl water(well)
A cup of EWC in a paint strainer bag with an air line going into it sitting in the middle of the EWC.Has a T with 2 of those cheap little 1 inch airstones attached.I add 2 tbls of the molasses.Every 3rd tea i add a tbls of kelp meal to the bag of EWC.



Well-Known Member
2.5 weeks into flower with the "moonshine man mix."
All I added was a tea and 1 watering of Neptune's Harvest 2-3-1 at 1TBLS per gallon and one tsp of Hi-Brix per gallon. Straight water as needed.
JFK and MK
Could someone please go into a little more depth on these 3 transplants. Approximate times of transplants? Size of containers? I understand the transplant but am I starting with a small container and gradually increasing in size or am I simply beating the dirt off of the rootball and refreshing the mix?