Anyone seen this before?


I have two healthy looking plants growing indoors in soil. I've been using Gen Hydro nutes as directed on the bottle and have been taking care not to over water. For a few weeks now I have noticed that an occassional new leaf comes out deformed and curled to one side. And its not the whole leaf. It'll be 1 - 3 individual leaves on one main leaf if that makes sense. Hopefully the pics will show what I'm talking about. Thanx people.IMAG0147.jpgSee the leaf in the middle of the pic? The entire left half is deformed and curls the leaf to the left.


Well-Known Member
What strain is that? I'd use half-strength whatever it says on the bottle....generally any fertilizer company is gonna want you to use more than you need just so it gets used up faster and you gotta go purchase a new bottle. Could be that it is a strain that is sensitive to nutrients or it could just be how that strain grows, lol


I would love to tell you what strain although I really can't know for sure. I was told they were Underdog clones. However, as they have grown up I've noticed that they look completely different from each other. And the other one doesn't have this leaf issue. So yeah, maybe it is a nute issue and this strain is particularly sensitive. Hmmm....I can back off the nutes a little.


Well-Known Member
I would love to tell you what strain although I really can't know for sure. I was told they were Underdog clones. However, as they have grown up I've noticed that they look completely different from each other. And the other one doesn't have this leaf issue. So yeah, maybe it is a nute issue and this strain is particularly sensitive. Hmmm....I can back off the nutes a little.
Try flushing out the container of the one that has that leaf issue with about 2 gallons of just plain water. Also, are you using tap water and letting it sit out 48 hours to get rid of chlorine?


Well-Known Member
I had this recently on one of my clones but it leveled out. I put it down to a PH fluctuation. Try to keep it above PH 6.5 in soil, even in veg.

What PH has it been? Did it stay the same?

seed to flower

Well-Known Member
Hum, i see some discoloration in the background and the curl.
You might have more than one issue...hopefully not?
If you have the tools to test the TDS & PH... put your tree in
a larger container to catch the run off for testing and see what
the numbers indicate. Use clean water, adjust to 6.5 ph and note
what the TDS is, compare the numbers to the run-off after pouring.
PH should be around 6.0 to 6.5, TDS no higher than 1400 ppm's
consistently. Hope this was helpful :)


Well-Known Member
I have never heard of leaf deformities from ph and/or nutrient issues, but I am no master gardener.

IME, it is either genetic or a result of the photoperiod. (Reveg, light leaks, inconsistent on/off, etc).


Well-Known Member
well, ph? perhaps a slight micro nute deficiency caused the cells to grow slower/faster on the leafs... who knows. just check the pH, and make sure your nutrients are fresh (ive noticed some mold growing inside one of mine before!) and as long as the plant is generally ok, nothing to worry about.


Thanx everyone for the ideas. I'll probably try and flush this baby out and see what happens.

So: I have been using tapwater and letting it sit out to dissipate the chlorine. I have also been using water with a Ph of around 6.2. After watering, the soil Ph sits at 6.5, so I figured I was good on the Ph. As far as PPM or TDS, I dont have the tools to check for those things. Interesting comment about the genetics. I actually thought it might be a genetic thing. You also mentioned photoperiod. As I have been growing these girls I have also been tweaking with their room. So I may have had some light leaks, etc. Is this something that can really cause issues like this? Anyway, Thanx all for your help. Here's a few better pics of what I'm dealing with.IMAG0162.jpgIMAG0163.jpgFirst two pics are of older leaves from back when I had heat issues and the Ph wasn't right yet.IMAG0164.jpgHere's a new leaf demonstrating the same issue.IMAG0165.jpgHere's a full body shot of my girl. Overall she looks pretty healthy. She's in week 1 of flower.


Ph early in veg was at 8.0 until I realized I needed to get it down. Now my Ph is in the proper range, but I'm still getting these deformed leaves even in new growth. So IDK.


Active Member
I have had that in one of my plants last year sometime. Not really sure what caused it, but it didn't continue for very long. It is a really odd thing to look at though, because only half of the leaf blade develops for some reason or another. The rest of my plant was growing healthy as can be, so I wasn't concerned. Yours looks like the rest is doing just fine as well, so I wouldn't be overly concerned.


I have had that in one of my plants last year sometime. Not really sure what caused it, but it didn't continue for very long. It is a really odd thing to look at though, because only half of the leaf blade develops for some reason or another. The rest of my plant was growing healthy as can be, so I wasn't concerned. Yours looks like the rest is doing just fine as well, so I wouldn't be overly concerned.
Yeah, it is a strange thing to see. Why it is only effecting one side of the leaf is a mystery to me. Still, I want to grow the best plants possible so I'll keep working this issue out. I'm watching my Ph more closely and have cut the nutes in half (I had been going with the manufacturers suggestions). We'll see if this resolves it. Anyone else have any ideas I'd love to hear them. And again, thanx everyone for your help.

seed to flower

Well-Known Member
8.0, way too high... stress will cause deformations. Heat,
nutrient deficiencies, transplant shock, ph imbalance all have affects.
Not that you have them, but spider mites can cause that too. Lil bastards
webb-up the leaves and cause leaf curling.


Active Member
8.0, way too high... stress will cause deformations. Heat,
nutrient deficiencies, transplant shock, ph imbalance all have affects.
Not that you have them, but spider mites can cause that too. Lil bastards
webb-up the leaves and cause leaf curling.
To flower is right. I have struggled with this problem too. My ph meter was jacked up so my plants where jacked up like this too. Fan stopped working and got heat stress. Damn things are sensitive. Indoor plants seem to be more sensitive than the outdoor ones.


To flower is right. I have struggled with this problem too. My ph meter was jacked up so my plants where jacked up like this too. Fan stopped working and got heat stress. Damn things are sensitive. Indoor plants seem to be more sensitive than the outdoor ones.
I'm thinking now that this may be a chlorine issue. Early on I wasn't letting my water sit out long enough. I was getting worried about mold/debris getting in the water. I think from now on I'll use an inline filter to screen out the impurities in the water. Anyone seen chlorine in the water do something like this?