Anyone seen this before?

Well-Known Member
When is the last time you have flushed? What nutrients are you using?

Some of it looks like leaf miners but more of it looks like a micro nutrient defiency like iron. Which leads me to believe you might has an excess buildup of salt, locking out some of the plants needed nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was gonna say Iron as well it could be sulfur or maganese as well but from the this chart I was lookin at it seems more like Iron here it is check it out 4 urself.


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
pic 1 and 6, nitrogen deficiency.

add more N, and youll be back on track in 3 days.

pic 2 through 5, the blotchy ones, fuck if i know, its bad whatever it is. check your stems for bore holes, bite marks, or cuts, smell the affected foliage, does it smell funky? mouldy? bitter? sour? sweet? have you seen any bugs? aphids? whiteflies?

just to be safe i would snip any leaf with more than 40% discoloration, and as long as new growth doesnt show the same signs, let it go. if new growth shows the same signs it could be a mosaic virus, bacterium, or some wacky new herpeghonnosyphilaids infecting your plant and i'd quarantine them

if them was tomatoes or peppers i'd say its yellow leaf curl virus, if it was tobacco or cucumbers or whatnot, a mosaic virus, either way they are all nasty, incurable and will drop your harvest by 30-50%. sterilize after harvest and control all insect disease vectors, especially aphids and whiteflies with an iron fist of rage.

could be root knot or root gall nematodes,examine your roots after harvest if not sooner.

Well-Known Member
pic 1 and 6, nitrogen deficiency.

add more N, and youll be back on track in 3 days.

pic 2 through 5, the blotchy ones, fuck if i know, its bad whatever it is. check your stems for bore holes, bite marks, or cuts, smell the affected foliage, does it smell funky? mouldy? bitter? sour? sweet? have you seen any bugs? aphids? whiteflies?

just to be safe i would snip any leaf with more than 40% discoloration, and as long as new growth doesnt show the same signs, let it go. if new growth shows the same signs it could be a mosaic virus, bacterium, or some wacky new herpeghonnosyphilaids infecting your plant and i'd quarantine them

if them was tomatoes or peppers i'd say its yellow leaf curl virus, if it was tobacco or cucumbers or whatnot, a mosaic virus, either way they are all nasty, incurable and will drop your harvest by 30-50%. sterilize after harvest and control all insect disease vectors, especially aphids and whiteflies with an iron fist of rage.

could be root knot or root gall nematodes,examine your roots after harvest if not sooner.

LOL your plant has AIDS bro... Ohhh shit and it has herpes!


I have only been feeding them water i added some fish mix to the last watering so i don't think its salt build up. Im thinking it could be the temps and a micro nutrient problem. I dont think this is a virus i had seen some bugs dont know what they are ill try and get a picture. thanks

Well-Known Member
IMO could be something as simple as your ph being off soil 6.8-7.0
A neurtral soil PH will NOT cause lock-out. I have seen pound plants come off soil with a ph of 7.7... A soil of 6.8-7.0 will not do what you see there, you are missing vital micro nutrients. From what I have actually seen, nutrient lock-out will not occur with most plants unless the soil is way too acidic, like 5.5 or way to alkaline, like 7.8 and higher. Now of course some plants are tougher and some plants are little weaklings. Test the PH of your soil, if it is not around 6.0-7.0 you are probably experiencing lock-out. But it simply just looks like you are experiencing iron deficiency. It may look like nitrogen deficiency, but that starts from the bottom leaves of the plant and works it way up, simply because the plant always pulls its nitrogen from the bottom of the plant, iron is different. Iron deficiency looks like nitrogen deficiency to growers who have never really experience either of them. (yes some people just have that green thumb) Iron Deficieny starts with the upper leaves and will always start from where the leaves start after the stem.

I would recommend hitting them with a dose of magnesium, iron, and sulphur. Like I said, take 2 multi-vitamins and urinate all of the urine that you have for the next 12 hours into a large container, mix it up and use 1/4 a cup to one gallon of water. This will give your plant sooooooooo many vitamins, even things it is not used to getting. I was adviced to do this by a friend and I thought he was an idiot for saying it, but my plants grew faster than I have ever seen, now ever 1 months I do this to my plants to make sure they are not lacking any beneficial nutrients. if you are in Veg, take a niacin, when this goes through your bodys breaking down process it gets put into your urine as nitrogen, nitrate and nitrite. Meaning your plant will get a lot more of these too which will significantly boost growth.
Classic sunn-hemp mosaic virus. You should destroy those. Any plants you touch after handling the infected plants will carry the virus too, whether they show symptoms or not. Real nasty virus with no cure. I just had this problem and needed the $ so i couldn't scrap them. My chemist friend turned me on to RNA Pro. Can find it here Worked out pretty well, the plants got their vigor back and the yield ended up being pretty good. Came out ahead and I could have lost the whole round :-o


Well-Known Member
Classic sunn-hemp mosaic virus. You should destroy those. Any plants you touch after handling the infected plants will carry the virus too, whether they show symptoms or not. Real nasty virus with no cure. I just had this problem and needed the $ so i couldn't scrap them. My chemist friend turned me on to RNA Pro. Can find it here Worked out pretty well, the plants got their vigor back and the yield ended up being pretty good. Came out ahead and I could have lost the whole round :-o
a hooda whata virus. realy something I never heard of.. sure looks scary thats for sure.. good luck with that one.


Well-Known Member
Classic sunn-hemp mosaic virus. You should destroy those. Any plants you touch after handling the infected plants will carry the virus too, whether they show symptoms or not. Real nasty virus with no cure. I just had this problem and needed the $ so i couldn't scrap them. My chemist friend turned me on to RNA Pro. Can find it here Worked out pretty well, the plants got their vigor back and the yield ended up being pretty good. Came out ahead and I could have lost the whole round :-o
U huh...sure


Well-Known Member
U huh...sure
hes full of shit, scam site probably.

buddy your pH is on the acidic side i could tell from a glance at that pH test you did. yeah it might appear green but its very yellow i can tell from the pic. you probably just need some Dol. lime and all the new growth should start looking normal just had some tom. plants looking the same. (no i dont have the tobabcco mosaic virus and neither do you there has not been an official account of the virus every being passed on to cannabis and most plants but the weakest, would have strong enough immunities to fight it off.


Well-Known Member
the reason it looks so green is the soil is brown, brown and yellow give your dark yellow, or green in this case, and those hand meters are shit for pH; they are alright at telling you when to water though :)

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
shits too acid. nuetralize the acid by mixing for each plant, 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a quart of water, pour it into the soil, let it sit. the next day flush that fucker good, then water and feed as normal. in 3 days your plant will green up, then just add dolomite or ground up eggshells to prevent future acid problems.