Anyone see something like this?


Active Member
I have about 4 seedlings right now growing along with my 2 "mature" seedlings.

One looks very odd to me, not sure if its normal or not...

Here's what the normal one looks like:

Heres what the "Odd" one looks like:

Anyone see a seedling like that before? Any comments?


Well-Known Member
it will turn out normall, i just started 22 a week ago and abot 5 turned out like that, and now are normal.


Well-Known Member
I have about 4 seedlings right now growing along with my 2 "mature" seedlings.

One looks very odd to me, not sure if its normal or not...

Here's what the normal one looks like:

Heres what the "Odd" one looks like:

Anyone see a seedling like that before? Any comments?
There are many type of strains indicas hve wide blunt leaves like the plant u have. The sativas have a longer narrower leaf. But then agian it could be a? mutant?


Active Member
ive got a similar prob with 2 of my new fem plants, the rest are growing normally, but these 2 are yellow, any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Or it could be an alien marijuana plant that came from some billion unerverses away. That aliens are hittin off of right now. FAR OUT Keep on growin it see what happens it could be super weed.