Anyone Running Any Tropical Seed Company Strains?

Next day, 9-Septeber-2018:

Ya tiene adjudicada la nueva Full Energy su Cuerpo de Guardia...
Mine new Full Energy is well-protected too...:


Extreme Haze (NL5/Haze, Extreme Haze geno X OldTimers Haze, green geno; borned on 16-August-2018) the same 9-September:

Extreme Haze (NL5/Haze geno Extreme Haze x OldTimers Haze geno verde), nacida el 16-Agosto/borned on August-16; on September-30:



Va a ser hembra/Is gonna be female:


The Tropical Ciclon "Leslie" is arriving but still today it was 29° C of max temp inna the shade. But right now, the SouthWest wind is turning stronger n more stroger...
Here is the Extreme Haze (NL5/Haze, Extreme Haze cut X OldTimers Haze, Green cut; borned in August-16), on 13-October-2018:



Comparativa entre una Outlaw (Amnesia Haze x SuperHaze; Dutch Passion) nacida el 21-Julio (izquierda) y la Extreme Haze nacida el 16-Agosto (derecha):

Comparison between an Outlaw (Amnesia Haze x SuperHaze, Dutch Passion) borned on 21-July (left) and the Extreme Haze borned on August-16 (right):


Preflores hembra de la Extreme Haze (NL5/Haze X Oldtimers ; Tropical Seeds):

Female preflowers:


La Extreme Haze, a pesar de apenas llegarme a la altura de mi ingle (nació el 16-Agosto), tiene grandes hojas en relación a su tamaño:

The Extreme Haze, despite barely reaching the height of my groin (was born on August 16), has large leaves in relation to its size:

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The two plants survived to the Leslie Hurricane, but weather is every day more cold n wet...

La Extreme Haze (NL5/Haze X OldTimers Haze, Tropical Seeds; nacida el 16-Agosto) de altura me llega al ombligo:

The Extreme Haze (NL5 / Haze X OldTimers Haze, Tropical Seeds, born on August 16) tall reaches my navel:




Comparación con la Outlaw #1 (Amnesia Haze X SuperHaze, Dutch Passion) nacida el 21-Julio, casi un mes antes:

Comparation between a Outlaw (Amnesia Haze X SuperHaze, Dutch Passion; borned on 21-July, almost a month before than the Extreme Haze), n the Extreme Haze:


...Only the young (borned on 8-September) n little Full Energy (Old Narrow Afghan X OldTimers Haze) suffered same damages with the hurricane:



Full Energy (Old Narrow Afghan X OldTimers Haze; nacida el 9-Septiembre / borned on 9-September):

Extreme Haze (NL5/Haze X OldTimers Haze; nacida el 16-Agosto / borned on 16-August-20188)



Extreme Haze (NL5/Haze X OldTimers Haze); (nacida el 16-Agosto / borned on 16-August-20188)

Full Energy (Old Narrow Afghan X OldTimers Haze), nacida el 8-Septiembre / borned on 8-September:


Extreme Haze (NL5/Haze, Extreme Haze X OldTimers Haze), nacida el 16 de Agosto / borned on 16-August:


Pues parece que la Full Energy, nacida el 8-Septiembre y con apenas 2 palmos de altura, a alcanzado en estadio de desarrollo prefloral a la Extreme Haze, nacida el 16-Agosto (3 semanas antes y llegandome en altura entre el pecho y la barbilla)...

Well, it seems that the Full Energy, born on September 8 and with only 2 hands of height, has reached a stage of prefloral development to the Extreme Haze, born on August 16 (3 weeks before and reaching in height between the chest and the chin)...

Full Energy:

Extreme Haze:

Extreme Haze delante en tierra madre; Full Energy detrás en maceta:
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According to meteorologists, South-West Europe and North-West Africa are having an abnormal, extremely cold and rainy autumn-winter, one of the worst... Here in Monte Adentro (38 ° or 39 ° North, and 800 or 900 meters of altitude) since the arrival of Hurricane Leslie in mid-October has not stopped making Christmas cold and raining and raining ... Between this October and November It has rained more than in all last year ... It shows in the delay that the kakis and strawberry trees have, that they should already be ready:






... Bad affair for my late sative cultivation outside without any greenhouse ...

Extreme Haze (NL5/Haze, Extreme Haze geno X OldTimers Haze, Green geno; Tropical Seeds), nacida el 16-Agosto / borned on 16-August, in 21-November-2018




Punta principal

Punta secundaria

Full Energy (Old Narrow Afghan X OldTimers Haze, Tropical Seeds), nacida el 8-Septiembre / borned on 8-September-2018, on 21-November-2018



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Lamentablemente, no pude terminar este cultivo casi invernal, por tener que ausentarme de Monte Adentro.
Os mostraré ahora mi cultivo durante la temporada local de exterior del año 2019.

Unfortunately, I was not able to finish this almost winter cultivation, because I had to be absent from Monte Adentro.

I will now show you my cultivation during the 2019 local outdoor season.

Este año también he tenido que germinar tarde, pero no tanto como el anterior. La ultima semana de este Junio'2019, germine una Zamalmistica (Zamal Mafate 80's x (Original Misty x Jack Herer/Afghan)) F5, una Full Energy(Old Afghan NLD short cut x Old Timers Haze green light cut), y dos King Congo (Congo Point Noire x South African Ciskei Highlands); todas regulares.
Fotos del día 3-Julio:

This year I also had to germinate late, but not as much as the previous one. The last week of this June'19, I germinated a Zamalmistica (Zamal Mafate 80's x (Original Misty x Jack Herer/Afghan)) F5, a Full Energy (Old Afghan NLD short cut x Old Timers Haze green light cut), and two King Congo (Congo Point Noire x South African Ciskei Highlands), all regular.
Photos of the 3-July day:


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8-April-2019 to 21-June-2019:

Aparte de mi cultivo de exterior iniciado a principio de Julio, una amiga me hizo germinarle una Orange-nade ((Malawi ACE x Dancehall Reggae Seeds, clon Mapetit) x Oltimers Haze, clon verde claro) para cultivarla en su piso en maceta, solo con la luz natural que llegase a su balcon o al interior de una habitación.
Como mi amiga es muy impaciente, me hizo germiar la semilla muy temprano: a primeros de Marzo.
Mi amiga no sabe cultivar (será su primera vez) y casi no abonará la planta.

Apart from my outdoor cultivation started in early July, a friend made me germinate an Orange-nade ((Malawi ACE x Dancehall Reggae Seeds, clone Mapetit) x Oltimers Haze, light green clone) to grow it potted in her city apartament, just only with the natural light that reached your balcony or inside a room.
As my friend is very impatient, she made the seed germinate very early: at the beginning of March.
My friend does not know how to grow (it will be her first time) and she will almost not feed the plant.

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12-Julio, de nuevo en mi exterior:
De izquierda a derecha, dos King Congo, Zamalmistica y Full Energy.

July 12, again on my outdoor:
From left to right, two King Congo, Zamalmistica and Full Energy.


Al siguiente día, 13-Julio, trasplante la Zamalmistica (Zamal Mafate 80's x (Original Misty x Jack Herer/Afghan)) F5 a tierra madre en "La Perrera":

July 13
The next day, July 13, I transplanted the Zamalmistica (Zamal Mafate 80's x (Original Misty x Jack Herer / Afghan)) F5 to motherland in "La Perrera" ("The dogs' House"; mine outdoor: it was before a kennel to dogs' puppies):

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Mientras tanto, mi amiga en su piso empieza a ser consciente de mis advertencias sobre germinar tan pronto un sativon para maceta de balcón...: -«Pero cuanto mas tiene que crecer esto, nene?!?»-... Pues aun le queda, nena, je...

Meanwhile, my friend in her apartment begins to be aware of my warnings about germinating as soon as a sativon for balcony pot ...: - «But how much more does this have to grow, baby?!?» -... Well still It has left, baby, he ...

Orang-nade ((Malawi ACE x Dancehall Reggae Seeds, clon Mapetit) x Oltimers Haze, clon verde claro):

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Mas Orange-nade ((Malawi ACE x Dancehall Reggae Seeds, clone Mapetit) x Oldtimers Haze, clon verde claro) de mi amiga:
...Para el 26-Julio hace tiempo que tenemos claro que es hembra...y que va a seguir creciendo...
Las ultimas fotos en el balcón; partir de esa fecha, se deja permanente y definitivamente la planta en la habitación, pues es ya "demasido llamativa" en el balcón (aparte de pesada e incomoda de mover). Hasta entonces pasaba las mañanas en el balcón y las tardes en "la habitación de la niña", buscando la maxima exposición solar (4 horas maximo, o menos):

More Orange-nade ((Malawi ACE x Dancehall Reggae Seeds, clone Mapetit) x Oldtimers Haze, green light cut) from my friend:
... By July 26, we have long been clear that she is female ... and that she will continue to grow ... The latest photos on the balcony; From that date, the plant is permanently and permanently left in the room, since it is already "too flashy" on the balcony (apart from heavy and uncomfortable to move). Until then I spent the mornings on the balcony and afternoons into a room, looking for the maximum sun exposure (4 hours or even less):

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Primera semana de este Agosto:
De nuevo en mi exterior, "La Perrera".
Al ir a trasplantar también a "La Perrera" las King Congo y la Full Energy, me encontré con "esto" a los pies de la Zamalmistica (Zamal Mafate 80's x (Original Misty x Jack Herer / Afghan)) F5. :

First week of this August:
Again on my outdoor, "The Dogs' House".
When I also went to transplant the King Congo and Full Energy to "La Perrera", I found "this" at the foot of the Zamalmistica (Zamal Mafate 80's x (Original Misty x Jack Herer / Afghan)) F5 :
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15-Agosto (Todas nacidas sobre el 1-Julio)

August 15 (All borned on July 1):

Zamalmistica ((Zamal Mafate 80's x (Original Misty x Jack Herer/Afghan) F5); (ya muestra que es hembra; she shows is a female right now):
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1° King Congo (Congo Point Noire x South African Ciskei Highlands):
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Full Energy (Old Afghan NLD short cut x Old Timers Haze green light cut):
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2° King Congo (Sufrió un grave "ataque" de pajaros o insectos antes del trasplante y estuve a punto de perderla. Se esta recuperando, pero eso le afectó claramente en su desarrollo):
2nd King Congo (He suffered a serious "attack" of birds or insects before the transplant and I was about to lose it. He is recovering, but that clearly affected his development):
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...El pasado 28 de Agosto fue el ultimo dia que las vi durante 2 meses por tenerme que marchar a trabajar lejos a la costa, a Cartagena. Para ese dia, la Full Energy se habia declarado hembra tambien, la mayor de las King Congo se habia declarado macho; y arranque la otra pequeña y "convaleciente" por miedo a que hiciera lo mismo en mi ausencia, y polinizaran las dos hembras seguras que tengo. Asi lucian ambas el citado 28 de Agosto:

.. Last August 28 was the last day I saw them for 2 months for having to go to work far to the coast, to Cartagena. By that day, the Full Energy had declared female herself, the biggest of the King Congo had declared himself male; and I killedthe other small and "convalescent" for fear that it would do the same in my absence, and it will pollinate the two sure females I have right now. Thus both of them cited August 28:

Zamalmistica : (Zamal Mafate 80's x (Original Misty x Jack Herer/Afghan)) F5:

picture (1).jpeg

Full Energy (Old Afghan NLD short cut x Old Timers Haze green light cut):
picture (2).jpeg

The two King Congos were males.