• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Anyone ready for the AzDHS to get shut down by the FEDs?


Active Member
Hello All

I wanted to know if others are thinking what I am thinking! If so are you ready to remain legal under the State MMJ Laws aka Arizona Medical Marihuana Act?

"I have been told that the newly appointed U.S. Attorney for the District of Arizona, John Leonardo,
fully intends to prevent any dispensaries from operating in Arizona by seizing each and every one
as it opens and commits violations of the CSA."

"In spite of this real threat, ADHS is moving ahead, licensing card holders and
dispensaries that will grow and sell marijuana throughout Arizona in clear violation of
the CSA. The ADHS will license 126 dispensaries; each dispensary can also grow
marijuana at another off-site location. Under the AMMA, there is no limit to the
amount of marijuana a dispensary may grow."

Source -

I don't see a single dispensary opening in AZ....

Even if the AzDHS Program is shut down citizens will still be able to be legal cardholders!! If the Department fails to deny or approve an patient app: the Physicians Certificate along with a few items acts as your MMJ Card!!

If Department is not doing their job set by AMMA....
B. If the department fails to issue a registry identification card within forty-five days of the submission of a valid application or renewal, the registry identification card shall be deemed issued, and a copy of the registry identification card application or renewal is deemed a valid registry identification card.
C. If at any time after the one hundred forty days following the effective date of this chapter the department is not accepting applications or has not promulgated rules allowing qualifying patients to submit applications, a notarized statement by a qualifying patient containing the information required in an application pursuant to section 36-2804.02(BELOW), subsection A, paragraph 3, together with a written certification issued by a physician within the ninety days immediately preceding the notarized statement, shall be deemed a valid registry identification card.

A.R.S. 36-2804.02 This is what is required if Department is not issuing cards!

A. A qualifying patient may apply to the department for a registry identification card by submitting:
1. Written certification issued by a physician within the ninety days immediately preceding the date of application.
2. The application fee.
3. An application, including:
(a) Name, mailing address, residence address and date of birth of the qualifying patient except that if the applicant is homeless no address is required.
(b) Name, address and telephone number of the qualifying patient's physician.
(c) Name, address and date of birth of the qualifying patient's designated caregiver, if any.
(d) A statement signed by the qualifying patient pledging not to divert marijuana to anyone who is not allowed to possess marijuana pursuant to this chapter.
(e) A signed statement from the designated caregiver, if any, agreeing to be the patient's designated caregiver and pledging not to divert marijuana to anyone who is not allowed to possess marijuana pursuant to this chapter.
(f) A designation as to who will be allowed to cultivate marijuana plants for the qualifying patient's medical use if a registered nonprofit medical marijuana dispensary is not operating within twenty-five miles of the qualifying patient's home.
B. The application for a qualifying patient's registry identification card shall ask whether the patient would like the department to notify him of any clinical studies needing human subjects for research on the medical use of marijuana. The department shall notify interested patients if it is notified of studies that will be conducted in the United States.

Follow Us :fire: - http://forum.hydrobreed.com/showthread.php?645-Preparing-litigation-against-the-AzDHS-and-the-State-of-Arizona&p=4277#post4277


Well-Known Member
I feel so conflicted about this..... i dont want to wish ill on ANYONE in the MMJ business no matter how in it for the money they are. But at the same time i NEVER want to see a dispensary open.
In the end i hope they DO shut them down.... I like growing and want to get good at it for my own benefit. PLus this isnt China.... who says i HAVE to buy my herb for a cetain place. Seems super UnAmerican to me.


Well-Known Member
Ill be moving to Michigan or Washington ton if that goes down......

head to Michigan and buy a 5 bedroom house for 20k and fill it with (legal)trees, (legal)guns, and (legal)guard dogs. If we ALL went we could buy a nice street out and turn it into Far North Arizona!


Active Member
Ill be moving to Michigan or Washington ton if that goes down......

head to Michigan and buy a 5 bedroom house for 20k and fill it with (legal)trees, (legal)guns, and (legal)guard dogs. If we ALL went we could buy a nice street out and turn it into Far North Arizona!

Have you been to Mi? The day I left was 40 below with freezing rain. I have never looked back.

No industry everyone I know up there is out of work and no prospects for anything decent.
I do agree the houses up there are cheap with a large piece of land unlike the postage stamps here. However $500-$700 heating bills?

I remember when they started coming in the 70's and now the Muslim infestation is out of control. And in general Mi is poor because of the politics. Hell I even knew people that moved there for the welfare. Sorry I seem to forget the muslim and chief says that is a economic stimulus. Which is probably the reason Mi is so wealthy!! NOT!!!

I only been to Washington once and OMG the tracfic was crazy!!! At rush hour with small city blocks can take 15-20 min to get through a light only to get to the next intersection with another 15 min wait. Got off 1 exit from where I was suppose to and it took three hours to get to the hotel. DAYUM!!!

I would be concerned as well (not based on anything other than fear) about the police. They have like ten different types of police there City, State, County and then Fed this and Fed that with some more fed of some other type. I have never seen so many different types of cops!!

I know nothing about how the MMJ scene is going so I can not give my two cents on that.
All that aside I am just ready to leave America!!! The politicians are out of control on both sides just picking and choosing what laws they like and do not like. Forget the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the voting will of the people. We are subjects and consumers no more!!!


Well-Known Member
they had a public transit system that worked I'd be down
also hey have 3bars per block and its rainy but i hear there are slug problems
and there are sidewalks underneath the sidewalks like if u walk down the street u see glass bricks on the path... thats letting light in the underground sidewalks


Active Member
I remember when they started coming in the 70's and now the Muslim infestation is out of control. And in general Mi is poor because of the politics. Hell I even knew people that moved there for the welfare. Sorry I seem to forget the muslim and chief says that is a economic stimulus. Which is probably the reason Mi is so wealthy!! NOT!!!
Man, GTFO here with that shit. Like you are part of some superior fucking race that owns this land.

You've probably got some choice words for the Hispanic population here too, huh?


Active Member
Man, GTFO here with that shit. Like you are part of some superior fucking race that owns this land.

You've probably got some choice words for the Hispanic population here too, huh?
Oye meridia aqui!!! Si yo no mi gusta mojados. Por que no necessitas criminals!! Entindas cabron?

Superior race has nothing to do with it. However you may be right!! After all I think every man should marry a 9 year old and then be able to stone her any time he wants. Kill people when I want and attribute it to honor. I am truley sorry you are correct!! WHat a wonderful religion of piece that wants to cut the infidel heads off.


Active Member
Man, GTFO here with that shit. Like you are part of some superior fucking race that owns this land.

You've probably got some choice words for the Hispanic population here too, huh?
PS Illegal is not a race and neither is Muslim. So my comments are not racist. Sorry! Learn wtf you are talking about. DIPSHIT!!


Active Member
I feel the same as Philosophist, I hate to wish ill will on the dispensaries. I'd like to be able to grow my own AND go to the dispensaries to see what the pros produce, but if I could only have 1 or the other, I'd rather grow my own,


Well-Known Member
Oye meridia aqui!!! Si yo no mi gusta mojados. Por que no necessitas criminals!! Entindas cabron?

Superior race has nothing to do with it. However you may be right!! After all I think every man should marry a 9 year old and then be able to stone her any time he wants. Kill people when I want and attribute it to honor. I am truley sorry you are correct!! WHat a wonderful religion of piece that wants to cut the infidel heads off.
OK bro..... Let me school the FUCK out of you right now. I am one of the most HATEFUL people in the world, but saying that shit against Muslims is retarded.

The fact that you generalize "Muslims" as bad people that "cut heads off" is so very false. They Muslims that do that shit are Zealots, not the average Muslim....(in fact they are almost EXCLUSIVELY Paki or afgani) The peoples of modern countries like IRaq, Saudi, Dubai, Turkey are some of the most loving WELCOMING people you would ever have the PRIVILEGE to be with......Go to Kurdistan and tell me ALL Muslims are barbarians.......They would find out you are American and you would be invited to EVERY dinner in the city/village, treated like a KING, given the seat of honor at the right side of the leader..... you would receive FAR more welcome than if you went to ANY American city. Muslims are a great people, with a deep, beautiful history. Its only a SMALL fraction that are bad people. The media has poisoned you into thinking that ALL Muslims are dirty, cave dwelling, dune Coons, with backpacks full of explosives just waiting to sell off your little sister to a Shiek for Anal butt play..... A totally myopic view.

EVERY religion has its zealots, we have Christians that stand outside Soldiers funerals screaming at the parents of dead soldiers......
Christians beat up Gays, Lesbians, Trans because God tells them to HATE people that are Gay. Christians are just as war like and barbaric as the Muslims when you look at history...in fact OUR culture has attack ed them FAR more than we have attacked them...WE have ALWAYS been the aggressor. 4 Crusades, over 20 instances of attempted/successful regime change, constant meddling in there sovereign affairs... how are THEY any worse than us?

There are reports of Acid in the face, forced prostitution, beheadings, which almost ALL come out of the Stans(paki and afgani)..... these ARE terrible places that SHOULD be destroyed. These are like the Mississippi of the Arab/Persian world. Why do you think NO other Muslim countries care that we are STILL blowing them up everyday? They cant STAND Pakis or Afgani's.... In these countries the basic laws of the Quran are rarely followed, which pisses the rest of them off. Raping boys is VERY not ok in Islam, yet Bacha BAzi are EXTREMELY popular among wealthy tribal leaders in Paki and agfan. If you have to be a racist half wit, do it with a sniper rifle not a shotgun...... your generalizations are ALL Fox news idiocy. Ignorant scare media tactics design to make you NOT Care that we are committing war crimes, and basically land grabbing for oil and mineral rights, and using human life to pay the toll.

They are NOT allowed to marry 9 year olds..... Again only backwards ass places, turn a blind eye to this shit. How many young girls are raped in America every year....how many hill billies fuck a 12 year old? Probably just as many as in a muslim country.
The modern states dont allow that shit, you would be ROYALLY fucked if you were caught doing that in fact.

Basically Muslims are like ANY OTHER people. Some are GREAT people, some are TERRIBLE people.... most are just average regular ass people, trying to work hard, have a family and live a good life. We tend to ONLY look at the extremes(the news shoves Extremes down out throats every day) and extreme scare us. We see "public beheading" and think OMG...... i WISH they would behead serious criminals here....maybe we wouldn't have the most corrupt, crime ridden society on the planet.
More prisoner are killed in a year in American than ALL of the Arab world combined......at least they make it a punishment, and MAKE everyone see what happens when you rape, kill or steal. (the only things they will cut your head off for)
The entire Arab world has Far less crime than we do..... i felt 100% safe travelling Kurdistan, NORTHERN Iraq, Turkey, Saudi and Morocco...... the people were warm and welcoming. Never was i treated poorly or spit at, no one called me names or tried to beat me up. I was feed(stuffed actually) shown around like a guest of honor, and invited back as many times as i wish. They are beautiful loving people...... much more so than you average American these days.

Read a book, travel some, put some love out into the world and see what comes back.
When i got back from my deployments fucked up from an IED, i HATED Arabs.....HATED!!! Then after awhile i made a friend from Iraq playing starcraft 2 and we became friends. We were friends for about 6 months before he told me he was Iraqi, he is a Doctor, a man of education and incredible knowledge. He is just like any other college student around the world, he likes cars, hash, women, video games, eating good food........i spent A month hanging out with him and his family, traveling around, seeing the OTHER SIDE of the Arab world..... its changed my whole outlook on shit. I am sure i have more reason to HATE Muslims than you do.....but after seeing them as people and not the monsters i was taught to see then as it became obvious that it was the acts of a few, not an act of them all.

Muslims are people.. There are bad Muslims, and good Muslims, like in all things...... stop being a racist asshole and expand your mind a bit. Get out into the world and meet some people. Stop listening to the media tell you these are bad people....We are more alike than we are different.


Well-Known Member
PS Illegal is not a race and neither is Muslim. So my comments are not racist. Sorry! Learn wtf you are talking about. DIPSHIT!!

Again you are retarded....... Like the Jews Muslims DO see themselves as a Race of people. The Twelvers think they are a descendant race from the cousin of Prophet Mohammed, Ali. They try to ONLY marry inside the race/religion, and its very frowned upon to marry a Non Twelver. Only Christians disassociated themselves with Race AND religion.

As far as ETHNICS...there ARE many different subsects of the Muslim world. Persians, Arabs, Kurds, and Caucasians in the ME.
These Ethnicities ALL see themselves as different races.....yet they they ALL identify as part of the Muslims as well...Much like a Jew from Russia is a Jew 1st and a Russian 2nd in there minds etcetc.
You sound like a typical uneducated Arizona moron, more concerned with skin color and racial purity than you are about just having a laugh and learning about people.

People like you make the world a worse place to live in......not Muslims...lol


Active Member
As far as education I am sure I have you beat both with initials and experience. Let me guess your in your 20-30's educated under the liberal agenda. School me huh? Ok all you people are sooooo funny.

In the Muslim world there is no other so I will tell you the same thing I tell my friend in Afghanistan. It is so safe and they are such a peceful religion as well as a wonderful people just step outside the fence. Just prove it to me STEP OUTSIDE THE FENCE!! You know funny thing he has not done that for fear of his life. Hmm I am thinking they will peacefully welcome him to his death.

Tell me again how good a people they are please. Show me go and start preaching the word of god. After all they are sooooo tolerant of other religions.

Here are some videos of exactly what I was talking about in Michigan.
Obama Rally ~ Muslims become violent ~ Dearborn, MI
Christians Being Stoned in Dearborn, MI 2012




Equallity for all as long as they are Muslim!!

Please school me I was there....please... please tell me.......You must be liberal!!

I am ready for the holy war!!! Lets get it on!!! I see your Jihad and raise you a Crusade!!

Hey but when they take over here like they took over Spain, Germany, and other countries in Europe and want Sharia law. I am sure there is a place for you in line to die. Tell me again rant as much as you want!! FUCK THE MUSLIMS I do not see them as anything more than dogs. KILL EM' All Let Muhammad sort em out!!

Regardess of how your bleeding heart feels Muslim is not a race nor is Illegal. You want to come America fine do it legally and abide by our laws so you can assimulate in our western society. One nation under GOD is all the muslims have to say and I will tolerate them. All the illegals have to do is apply for citizenship and wait there turn I will have no problem,

The funny thing in Az is that we are a majority hispanic and the majority wants immigration reform. So if hispanics are the majority... Are they predjudice and racisit? I know logic hs no place in your mind only that touchy feely everone is equal bullshit. Everyone is not equal period!!

Now as far as illegal immigration and legall immigration goes this is a video about legal immigration that talks about the rammifications of the tax burden we are going to experience trying to keep up with the infrastracture necessary to support all the migration. You are all ready seeing counties that are MIGRANT freindly go bacnkrupt.

Every one wants to come to America and then change our Constitution and not abide by our rule of law. They just want the benifits of my 40% tax rate and expect me to keep my mouth shut smile then dig in my pocket while they defile everything I believe in.

Please educate me with statments from your heart and I will educate you with evidence. That is called a logic!!
As far as popularity goes I can give a shit!!


Active Member
As far as education I am sure I have you beat both with initials and experince. Let me guess your in your 20-30's educated under the liberal agenda. School me huh? Ok all you people are sooooo funny.

In the Muslim world there is no other so I will tell you the same thing I tell my friend in Afghanistan. It is so safe and they are such a peceful religion as well as a wonderful people just step outside the fence. Just prove it to me STEP OUTSIDE THE FENCE!! You know funny thing he has not done that for fear of his life. Hmm I am thinking they will peacefully welcome him to his death.

Tell me again how good a people they are please. Show me go and start preaching the word of god. After all they are sooooo tolerant of other religions.

Here are some videos of exactly what I was talking about in Michigan.
Obama Rally ~ Muslims become violent ~ Dearborn, MI
[h=1]Christians Being Stoned in Dearborn, MI 2012 [/h]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLKarYXjG4c&feature=related



Equallity for all as long as they are Muslim!!

Please school me I was there....please... please tell me.......You must be liberal!!

I am ready for the holy war!!! Lets get it on!!! I see your Jihad and raise you a Crusade!!

Hey but when they take over here like they took over Spain, Germany, and other countries in Europe and want Sharia law. I am sure there is a place for you in line to die. Tell me again rant as much as you want!! FUCK THE MUSLIMS I do not see them as anything more than dogs. KILL EM' All Let Muhammad sort em out!!

Regardess of how your bleeding heart feels Muslim is not a race nor is Illegal. You want to come America fine do it legally and abide by our laws so you can assimulate in our western society. One nation under GOD is all the muslims have to say and I will tolerate them. All the illegals have to do is apply for citizenship and wait there turn I will have no problem,

The funny thing in Az is that we are a majority hispanic and the majority wants immigration reform. So if hispanics are the majority are they predjudice and racisit? I know logic hs no place in your mind only that touchy feely everone is equal bullshit. Everyone is not equal period!!

Now as far as illegal immigration and legall immigration goes this is a video about legal immigration that talks about the rammifications of the tax burden we are going to experience trying to keep up with the infrastracture necessary to support all the migration. You are all ready seeing counties that are MIGRANT freindly go bacnkrupt.

Every one wants to come to America and then change our Constitution and not abide by our rule of law. They just want the benifits of my 40% tax rate and expect me to keep my mouth shut smile then dig in my pocket while they defile everything I believe in.

Please educate me with statments from your heart and I will educate you with evidence. That is called a logic!!
As far as popularity goes I can give a shit!!
I dont know a ton about radical muslims but teach a class with over 60% muslims. Not only do I happily tutor them in their homes I will continue to do so and try to hold judgement. These muslim refugees remind me far more of mormons than terrorists.. Just my .02


Active Member
I dont know a ton about radical muslims but teach a class with over 60% muslims. Not only do I happily tutor them in their homes I will continue to do so and try to hold judgement. These muslim refugees remind me far more of mormons than terrorists.. Just my .02
Thanks for reminding me. I should have clarified.... I am agnostic and do not think any religion is good. As a matter of fact religion is the most evil thing created by man to control him and give a false feeling of immortality. It allows the mortal man to sleep at night not afraid of death.

I only beleive that if I have to choose between the lesser of two evils I will go with Judeo Christian beliefs.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for reminding me. I should have clarified.... I am agnostic and do not think any religion is good. As a matter of fact religion is the most evil thing created by man to control him and give a false feeling of immortality. It allows the mortal man to sleep at night not afraid of death.

I only beleive that if I have to choose between the lesser of two evils I will go with Judeo Christian beliefs.

Ya you are just an ignorant racist. Of course you can pull some Youtube clips of BAD muslims doing BAD things. But they are a small fraction of Islam. I could pull clips of EVERY ethnic racial group doing the same...Westboro baptists anyone?
I feel bad that you are so ridiculously close minded and bigoted. Its obvious you are an undereducated twit that gets most of his info form Fox news.

Once again, this world is made bad by people liek you....not Muslims.


Well-Known Member
"Holy War" mother fucker you have never been NEAR war...you are Such a fool.

Labeling me as a liberal is also you showing your Fox news fed ignorance. Im a Libertarian, Constitutional Libertarian. You have probably never even been out of the country...you see the world through the MYOPIC view of a VERY close minded ignorant fool.
If i thought continuing this would do any good if continue...bu i would not be arguing with you, id be arguing with what ever stupid Fox news shows you watch.... as its quite clear you are a Glenn Beck sheep.

Conservative dicks like you make me sick...as sick as liberals make me.

You are filled iwth hate and fear...because you are small minded and weak. YOu are afraid of Muslims because you are WEAK, you are afraid of Mexicans because you are weak. I feel bad for you....read a book you fool.


Well-Known Member
Did you ever serve in the military or did you just get your anger from TV news? Please tell me what 1st hand experience you have had??? One anti Christian rally??? One demonstration by RADICAL Muslims?
What if people got there WHOLE impression of Judeo Christians from Fred Phelps and WBC? Thats what you have done.... with NO 1st hand knowledge of what you are talking about....only GROSS generalizations based of fear and ignorance.
YOu hate them because Glenn Beck and Anne Coulter TOLD YOU TOO.......you are a sheepish follower of Rupert Murdoch!!!

Im not saying i LOVE Muslims...im saying like in all things there is the good and the bad. You are saying they are ALL bad. Which is VERY dopey of you......

As i said you will only link more youtube videos...shout out more racist rhetoric....they are dark and weird and you are a bright gleaming American Patriot???? YOu are a dirty white trash dickbag, and they world would be better with out people like you in it.

But its all good, Arizona is full of racist fuckheads....and you're just another brick in the wall.